You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We have to go the Italian route and make it illegal for over 50s to not get vaccinated

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There are some amount of people who go for a shit or a piss in a cafe or pub and don’t wash their hands. I am guessing they all got fucked over with covid in the last year, and are either dead or fucked over.

By catching it off their own knobs?

And almost all of them in ICU with delta, not omicron which now makes up over 80% of cases.

So are all the folks in ICU just the left overs from the Delta variant or are some of them in there with the Omicron variant?

Poor hygiene increases your risk of picking up germs, viruses etc. Anecdotal evidence (which you seem to prefer) suggests that being a smelly cunt will likely result in you picking up the same virus at least 5 times.

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You’d wonder how many had pre existing conditions

I’d imagine Omicron would still be within the lag period before people would generally enter ICU even now.

As @Bandage said we should know a lot more in 10 days or so.

Instead she’d like an unelected hierarchial body keep them at home for compliance measures

There’s still people catching Delta because not enough people have caught Omicron yet. It’s a terrible tragedy.

Poor hygiene, you’d imagine they’d be out eating dinner and rubbing off door handles etc not giving a toss. I can just imagine the smell of stale farts off their car seats.

I’d agree with you. I was hopping my balls

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Smelly bastards. Fuck em out

@Tank - I’m a delta survivor.

How’s general hospital numbers going now? We are at the point where we should see a surge based on the daily numbers two weeks ago, plus all the people who are unable to get pcr tests. How wrong will Nolans model will be due to the massive threat of omicod

The unvaccinated are locked out of society as far as practicable and so are not as exposed to omicron. Presumably then the delta variant is circulating more strongly in the unvaccinated community. If this is the case then they only have themselves to blame, the stupid cunts.

Hospital figures seem to be rising a nice bit every day but you’d imagine with how prevalent it is in general society the number of patients brought in for other issues and then or after testing positive is also rising


Is there away that folks can tell what covid variant they caught besides being either alive or dead or is it just assumed that anyone that has caught in the last couple of weeks caught the lesser omicron variant?

if you are in ICU with Omicron you are not there because you have Omicron


You must have been mad irresponsible. Down the pub no doubt.

@Batigol if you lose your taste/smell then it’s not omicron.

You would miss conor and his graphs all the same