You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Going up, but Icu isn’t (yet?)

This is @Bandage graphman, he’s not bad

The bag carrier that was doing them for him must be relieved.

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The lag ain’t coming. We all know that.

So it looks like omicron isn’t driving hospitalisations, at least not to the level that delta did. That’s good without digging into the numbers in hospital with either variant or for other conditions and testing positive prior to admission

Well said Mick


Have hospitalisations not doubled since early December?

You could almost say the next two weeks will be crucial


Are people still classifying it as experimental at this stage they are?

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I’m now negative on the old antigen test. :ronnyroar:


One question -

This week always has big numbers in hospitals

I wonder how do current numbers compare with the same week in 2020 ???

You’ll be bullet proof for two years so
You need not worry about catching it on back to back years.


Are you just going to continue to repost any old shite you come across on the internet here? Go back to Facebook with your shite.

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My PCR came back positive today. Think my isolation is up on Sunday.

Haven’t done an antigen since Saturday as there was no point. Will try one Saturday and see if I still have Covid.


Cases have quadrupled in the same time. Add in the high number of cases that are probably out there due to testing capacity you can argue its double or triple the reported number.

Plus it’s winter where there is always a surge in people in hospital and offical stats showing approx 40% of hospital cases are contracted within the hospital, the fact that hospital cases of covid patients have only doubled is positive. I’m not even going to argue the case definition of someone being admitted and had tested positive in the previous 28 days, yet presented to hospital on an unrelated issue. We have been down that road many times and no one will agree on it


Try a new one you mane fucker


Had very much made up my mind not to take the booster when offered and take my chances getting Omicron. Folded like a pansy when the govt/EU started changing the parameters last night. Appointment this morning in Punchestown. Big Dermot Earley in full khaki/army gear in front of me walking in just to make you think more.

Feel a bit mugged off by it all. Was actively looking to pick up Omicron the last week or so (post old relative interaction) in reality but nothing stirring. I’m going to feel like the wreck of the hespers tomorrow now all day for nothing, and hopefully pick up the Santry variant in the next week or so.


The National Public Health Emergency Team met on Thursday to review the epidemiological situation in the State and to consider whether any additional measures were needed amid record Covid-19 cases driven by the Omicron variant.

Two sources said the team has recommended a continuance of current measures, potentially until the end of the month.

Record number of “cases” today and nothing new from the junta, truly endgame is in sight


Why do you say that? Are there not lots & lots of people after getting Covid again after testing positive previously?

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