You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

How long immunity lasts seems to vary by person, thereā€™s also different kinds of immune cells that get made, some donā€™t last and some do. 6 months seems to be the average for antibodies declining, but other cells that recognize and remember the Covid virus might last for years. I would say most people after a vaccine or getting infected would have some immunity that lasts, so if they get infected or reinfected they are very unlikely to get seriously ill.

The Yale study led by Jeffrey Townsend estimates a median reinfection time of 16 months for unvaccinated people.

It should have been obvious that in a no restrictions situation lots of vaccinated people in terms of absolute numbers would get infected.

I mean 20% of 3.75 million is 750,000.

The vaccines work.

You ever think of telling @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy this? He seems to think that vaccinations are ineffective.

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I had heard three. Then, I know, I know, anecdotal evidence. Iā€™ve met people who within one month of the third Pfizer shot have contracted the virus, with mild symptoms admittedly. But, traditionally, a fucking vaccine made you immune in my experience, calling it a vaccine, at the very least seems, disingenuous.

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The number one worldwide policy aim of, well, the world, should be vaccine equity.

That it isnā€™t is a fucking disgrace.

The natural by product of that is vaccine saturation. Which is what we need. We would have to see where that leaves us.


I agree. But by the looks of things in order to eradicate this thing every man woman and child (and white tail deer for that matter) on earth would have to be vaccinated on the same day.
Pardon my pessimism.

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:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:thumbs up or thumbs down or fuck off

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I ducking hate WhatsApp groups almost as much as I hate autocorrect

If a country as densely populated as Japan can shift Delta down to almost zero it shouldnā€™t be beyond anywhere.

The calculation may well change now however with this new variant.

Eradication and elimination are two different things. Polio is not eradicated but it is largely eliminated.

A county.

To beat this would require a world wide concerted and timed effort. And thereā€™s the conundrum.

Not sure thatā€™s completely true. Vaccines made you more likely to fight infection effectively as I understood them. I donā€™t know for sure but this covid vax seems to have reduce severity and transmission. It was maybe accelerated so possibly still needs tweaking. But the virus is tweaking itself too. My worry would be that the public gives up on vaccination because when that happens then humanity is truly fucked. All sorts of virus will rage through thepopulations of the world unrestricted.

Now, that may not be a bad thing. Because the truth is that humankind is destroying the planet so something which destroys humanity may benefit the planet.

This is why individualism and neo-liberalism and everything right wing politics preaches donā€™t work as concepts, especially when faced with great global challenges.

And this is an era of great global challenges.

It would be a very bad thing. A very, very bad thing.


Smallpox?. If you got the polio vax did you get polio? If you got the rubella vax did you get rubella?

Everywhere I look the vaccinated are getting the covid. Itā€™s everywhere. This vaccination was touted as what? 95% effective?

Because mass human suffering is a very, very bad thing.

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Only from a human point of view. Humankind doesnā€™t really care for mass suffering on any other level of living thing.


There is no other point of view. Humans are the only species that can comprehend the idea of mass human suffering and its devastating effects.

So to paraphrase, the man swarm needs a cull?

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