You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

May as well get it while the going is good at this stage. Within the time frame of the vaccine being good

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anti mask In our madhouse

My wan was against masking children. And she a medical professional. It seems utterly pointless to mask them when the masks aren’t worth a tinkers curse if they aren’t (a) the right kind of mask (b) worn properly. if they are going to be sitting beside each other for a full day of school it has to be done right.

Let’s not delude ourselves.


We very likely won’t. Which means it will be very long running problem.

Lots of people I know who are vaxed getting it now. It’s like a very mild cold for them.

Indeed. It’s walking through the vaccinated.

we’ve all probably had it in fairness
honestly lads…if you had a mild cough , sniffles in the last year would you have gotten a test? in your bollux you would as if it was positive you’d know the shit consequences it would have for you for the next 14 days…
people don’t worry about covid in case it will kill them or make them sick…they don’t want to get it as if you are positive your life is s mess for the next few weeks…
that alone has stopped most of the adult population going for a test…keeping kids off school …can’t go outside the door …come on


Ive never been part of a WhatsApp group. Never even came close.

How would you stop it? The kids in schools are getting it as there is no effective mitigation there, the vaccinated are getting it (with mild illness for the most part) the unvaccinated are getting it and are occasionally getting very sick with it. The wheels are off. We’ll all get it soon enough.
It will have burned through by this time neat year and have killed who it’s going to kill by then.

You lucky fucking bastard.

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nobody likes @glenshane enough to invite him. But you’re right. he is a really lucky bastard to be disliked so intensely.


They do impart immunity. In the great majority of cases they stop the disease progressing which is why it’s so mild in most vaccinated cases. You are right though that everyone will get it, except for hermits who don’t leave their house. Anyone with young kids has probably been exposed at this stage, might have been asymptomatic.

There should be a dedicated thread for this. Eg the “U10 Camogie Group”

Coach: “training Sunday at 11am, no need to reply”

Aoife - “Saoirse can’t make it Sunday as we are away to Center Parks”

Ruth - “Hannah has a bit of a sniffle so we’re going to skip it this week”

Deirdre - “will ye train if it rains? its not promised great”

Fuck off.


Is that not a matter of timing though?

You want to be getting jabbed every three months to have any kind of immunity. Or am I wrong?

Not everyone dislikes me intensely. I’m a hard man to get to know…some people are still at the stage of thinking I’m just a bit odd.

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I must get ye down for a challenge match. I’ll WhatsApp you.

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You’re the pure solid finest. Don’t mind them cunts.


We’ll see how they do in a hard winter. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy might yet he proven to be right about absolutely everything, apart from Tyrone club football obviously

We are a laughing stock

Fair play to Cuddihy for taking on his professions narrative here.

Good man. I’d meet you in the Shepherd’s buy you a pint and give you a hug if it wasn’t for them fuckin vaccine facists.