You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Let people get on with it and decide their own risk is fine, except if they get really sick they are not just impacting themselves, they impact the rest of society… So it’s not a personal risk they are taking, the consequences will be dealt with by others, namely the state.

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A bit like lads ending up in hospital after a stag party. You’re spot on bosco.

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Those lads went to bed in their own hotel room. Others brought them to hospital for a little bang on the head… Good to see there’s still voyeurs out there taking notes.

NPHET sounding positive enough in that press conference…one more week they say.

The ball is burst the game is over. Time for Tony to be arrested and placed in jail.


Someone is spoofing, RTE said that the HSE and DOH can’t provide that breakdown.

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Was Tony lying to us so with his 5%. That’ll upset @Cheasty who was quoting it to say the increase in numbers was nothing to do with the wider incidence in the population

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Fairly easy to see who’s upset when they have to make up quotes, isn’t it?

ruh oh


Whist. Mandatory vaccines or your locked out of society. We’re in this together with weaker immune systems


The covid mentallers and vaccine fascists are running out of road.


not transparency tony, surely not

Tony Holohan, Department of Health chief medical officer (CMO), urged the health minister to opt for a report which Dr Holohan himself would prepare. He advised Simon Harris that the “appropriate way forward” was to “state that you have asked me to provide a report on the matter, including whether further actions or steps are required”.

He added: “I strongly advise that you do not commit to a review of CervicalCheck arising from the recent court case.”


Have we had a good day chaps?

It’s done


That architect lady won’t know what to do with herself.


I see Dimmy’s new chosen epidemiologist Christine Loscher is against the changes to close contact rules, which will mean her ten minute tenure as his chosen epidemiologist is over.

He’ll have to fish around now for somebody who says something he likes, which is a bit unfortunate for him.

The South African health experts called it after a few days but took 7 weeks for NPHET to face reality


I’m giving that a like because it’s it’s fantastic Internet win for me. @Thomas_Brady @glasagusban