You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The major shift in approach is here where the aim is no longer to stop the spread. We’ve known for a while that we can’t get rid of covid completely, zero covid is impossible as I’ve always said. The end game is it becomes endemic but is no longer a huge threat.

We can pivot from trying to stop spread if people are not getting severely ill. Getting vaccines and boosters mean people are pretty much safe from serious illness and death, and so the health service is protected from being overwhelmed by these people.

Therefore, if people are vaccinated and boosted they don’t need to isolate, restrict movements, they can circulate in bars, they can enjoy hospitality etc. Basically, we are approaching a point where the vast majority of society can return to normal and get on with life.

And @glasagusban wanted to punish out any non-sheep who didn’t think the vaccine served much purpose if fit and healthy. My, my doesn’t he look like a prize chump, absolutely raging too at being exposed as a dullard.


Based on omicron so far there is very little people needing hospital care with or without the vaccine. The overall effect of the vaccine on serious illness vs omicron are yet to be confirmed but it is significantly lower than delta. The vaccine the work very well on those metrics vs delta.

Why are we basing restrictions on people who haven’t taken the vaccine or booster against a variant it is ineffective against. Remove restrictions for all. Let people get the vaccine on a voluntary basis, as we are continually told is the process and not discriminate against people who decide not to. Not all people who don’t want to take the vaccine are loons (I accept the loudest are). The same arguement can be made about the annual flu jab and we don’t do it for that (yet).

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If that’s the case, why is the US at a record level of hospitalisations now? And why are deaths following the trend line of cases?

Why tomorrow at midnight like? Why not tonight at midnight

She’s fighting more epidemiologists


I’m a bit lost on what you’re trying to say.

The vaccines are extremely effective at preventing serious illness and death. If we didn’t have a high vaccination level our hospitals would be overrun and bodies would be piling up.

We still have 6% of the population taking up more than half of ICU capacity. Hopefully we eventually get to a stage where we can remove restrictions for all. But it obviously makes sense to remove restrictions for people who aren’t at risk of serious illness or death first.

I honestly don’t get what you’re complaining about. Rules are being massively relaxed. This is good. Controlling spread is now less important. That is a huge shift. This is the beginning of the end of it. We are approaching the stage where we return to normal, at least for the vast majority of society, this is to be welcomed.


Vaccinated or unvaccinated. Fit and healthy people under the age of 50 have minimal risk of serious illness or death from Covid. So you effectively championing the vaccine for negligible benefits in the fit and healthy cohorts. You’re a fucking weapon, a fascist one at that.

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To give you bullet points

The vaccine is effective against alpha and delta and not omicron

On the people in ICU how many are unable to take the vaccine? Do they have other issues that prevented them from taking the vaccine? What variant did they catch that put them into ICU? A breakdown of the non vaccinated in ICU would be helpful to show how many just didn’t take the vaccine were perfectly healthy and covid put them there.

Relaxing the rules should be universal and not tied to vaccine status.


Transparency is needed for all the data on covid admissions to hospital, breakdown of ICU and the deaths.

Look at this below. Why is there no data available? What sort of a joke is that.

Last month yis were saying to hell with transparency. Now yis claim to want it again.

Link for that? We know its not effective at stopping transmission but not effective at all against hospitalisations and deaths?

Your first point is wrong, vaccines are extremely effective against serious illness and death for all variants. It’s irrelevant what variant people are ill with in ICU.

Why should relaxing the rules be universal? If it is safe to allow vaccinated people return to normal then let them do so. Why keep restrictions on people where they are not needed? Do you want a a return to normal? If so, this is the beginning of it. It’s a huge shift in approach and it’s the beginning of the end.

Maybe you’d prefer wait around and keep everyone restricted until covid disappears but I’d prefer normality return as far as it’s possible and as far as it’s safe. That’s what’s happening.

Hopefully we progress towards no restrictions at all for anyone at some point in the future but that can’t be guaranteed. We just need to get on with it now.

Better link to my post above @Heyyoubehindthebushes

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Big Tony conveniently had the information to hand when he was able to state only 5% weren’t being “managed” due to Covid, at odds with international evidence unless the careful wording is broader than including incidental admissions.


Repeating the same lie over and over again doesn’t change the fact that you are a nasty little fascist who deals in misinformation and discrimination.

First point I know people who had the booster and still got fairly sick from omicron, not hospitalised but probably wouldn’t have been in hospital regardless as they are healthy people. You can also put down omicron is milder than delta too hard to say.

Relaxing rules should be universal, we are not stopping spread, it’s arguable that the vaccine stops illness with omicron, its arguable on the effect of omicron on hospital numbers alone along with the other factors that have been questioned throughout the whole pandemic, Co morbidity, age etc. So what the difference between 6% of people not having the vaccine or not or a larger percentage without booster. Excluding people from society isn’t a solution. You only make the loud loons louder and give them tinder by marginalising them. Do you think it’s really going to change their mind as point?

You know my position on restrictions, there should have been no restrictions after May 2020 but everyone went along as 2 more weeks etc etc while they move the goalposts. Do you think this will change? The state (and not just ireland) is intruding on the individual far too much for too long. The fact the health minister can make decisions based on rolling emergency powers is wrong on sp many levels, let alone thr health minister is a fucking moron. Getting on with it now as you say, while still restrictions people is not the way out until we are all on the same level, same rights and ability to make our own decisions instead of thinking is this allowed? Do I need papers to do this? Lift all restrictions let people make the decision to do whatever they like based on their own risk. Also allow businesses allow people in by their own decision eg. Mask wearing, covid certs etc if they want. They still have the right to refusal.


You know people who had the booster and still got sick. What does that prove? The square root of fuck all? Or that they would have been more sick if they hadn’t had it?

I’ve already said to you that the shift in rules shows that stopping spread is not longer the primary aim. So yes, you’re right we are not stopping spread. We don’t need to, because vaccines mean people are not getting seriously ill and dying (for the most part). This is a huge change. You need to get your head around this. It’s good news, it’s the beginning of open it up to fuck.

You may be right people who haven’t taken vaccines won’t be persuaded to change their minds. Maybe they will to assist their holidays or whatever eventually but it doesn’t matter. The point isn’t to persuade them. The point is to get the vastajority of people back to living normally.

Vaccinated and boosted people can get back to living normally because we can be confident they won’t get seriously ill. We don’t need to worry about the virus spreading and reaching them because they are protected. So let them at it.

Maybe after the current wave peaks and passes we will have enough health capacity to remove all restrictions for everyone. Until then there are limits on 6% of people because of their burden on the health service. Why should that bother anyone? They’ve made their choice let them live with it. I don’t give a fuck about them anyway, I’ll be going to pubs and clubs and matches and concerts again very soon and I’m looking forward to it. This is it. We’re approaching the end. I’m delighted about that.

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Exactly my point whats the point of differing advice for different vaccine status?

The shift in rules from stop spread to stopping illness is in the right direction but why are we so worried about the 6% who have no vaccine? We both agree they won’t take it. What’s What’s difference between someone with 2 vaccines or 3? There is enough protection in the population at this stage

It’s better than none but what’s the point of getting a booster? If someone is high risk and don’t get it fuck em their own choice. We all know the health service is a pile of shit for the last 30 years, so instead of targeting people that aren’t vaxxed target the prices in the dail and hse on massive money.

Can you get on with your life without giving a shit about those folks? I can anyway but have no problem wedged next them at a bar before a big match, their problem not mine.

Holohans prediction that half a million got omicron last week, may be correct, actually seems like a reasonable estimate considering nphets track record with numbers. Based on that 30k unvaxed got covid last week and there is no surge and I don’t predict a massive one either in hospital. 50-100 people isn’t a surge in comparison.

So what’s the point of restrictions and vaccine passes? Fuck all. Leave the unvaxed live woth the risk and fuck em