You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Nuance is important and I think I have been nuanced. I put forward a fair and reasonable post, made in a respectful tone, and I debated based on what @fenwaypark said, and have not twisted any words out of context. I used reports and statistics from reputable media to make my argument.

The initial post by @Tassotti was explicitly centred around there supposedly being zero risk to children from Covid. This is demonstrably wrong. I don’t think you can agree with a post like that without agreeing with that assertion, which is why I was surprised that @fenwaypark did so, as I consider him to be a very sensible and measured poster in general. He has clarified that he does not think there is zero risk to children from Covid, which is welcome, but I don’t know why you would agree with a post like Tassotti’s in the first place in that case.

The other point, that resources should be being pumped into vaccinating vulnerable people in less well off countries, I don’t think any reasonable person would have an argument with – but it should not be an either/or question – we can and should be pumping resources into vaccinating people in less well off countries while also making vaccination available to children in richer countries.

However, I do not think it’s in any way unreasonable to ask @fenwaypark to substantiate the following, particularly as this sort of a statement is a blanket one and seems to extend beyond Covid vaccines to everything else that children are routinely vaccinated for.

Citing the “unknowns of long term effects of vaccines on children” is a statement that one cannot prove wrong. It is effectively asking me to prove that there cannot be any long term effects of vaccines in any children - and you can’t prove a negative. The same technique is used by people who were and are against Covid vaccination in adults and is a staple of anti-vaccine opinion in general.

Which is why it needs substantiation, and especially needs substantiation in comparison to the negative long term effects of catching SARS COV-2, for which there is much evidence for in adults through long Covid - it is clear that the risks of long term effects of Covid in adults are much greater than the risks of vaccination, which are miniscule.

If people are speculating about this being different as regards children, and that there is a significant risk of negative long term effects of vaccination in children, they should put forward evidence based arguments rather than speculation with nothing to back it up. As far as I can see, there is currently no evidence based argument for this.

I would be surprised if anybody else would have had a problem with the post if it was somebody else posting it. It smacks more of you and others having more of a problem with the person who made the post rather than what was posted.

Do you diasgree with the scientific evidence in the clip and if so why? Or is it just that Stephen Donnelly, Paul Reid and Pfizer told you so?

But don’t worry, the US Army has it covered. Meet your next vaccine. Line up and take it now like a good sheep, we don’t want you getting a headcold.

Just on my way back from a lovely afternoon spent in Ennis. In 2 coffee shops and a bar for food…no one asked for Vax pass. The bar was wedged with people even sitting at the counter.

A proper county @Tassotti . @pulpfiction is officially wishing all the Clare posters the very best in this year’s hurling championship


a good reflection of where the country is, back to normal apart from weirdos still looking for restrictions and looking to maintain them


Had a lock in til 9pm last night. Still home in time for the Late Late Show :joy:

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2 years ago today



I’d say there’s a fair crossover between anti-vaxxers and pro-Quinners.

Would they ever leave it off.

What’s done is done.

Game over lads

From January to March 2020 China reported 4,634 Covid deaths (was probably at least 10X that) and a reported case fatality rate of 7.7%. Since April 1 2020 when Zero Covid became official CCP policy, China has only had 2 Covid deaths.


They’ll have to start donating vaccines to other countries soon. According to The Times, GPs have around 400k doses of vaccine in stock which are due to expire in about 2 weeks.

Going off the Worldometer figures, Ireland has had 387k cases since Christmas day. Can’t get a booster until 3 months so GPs are with stock in the fridges.

It will turn into a serious waste of money.

Sure the tans are dumping their surplus. These developing countries have more sense.

Houston. We have a problem.

New variant is way stronger/ more deadly than omicron.

What problem ?

Youngest was a bit under the weather. Dud an antigen test and came back positive

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That’s why everyone should have gotten Omicron

Fact checkers on Pfizers CEO :grinning:

Fire it in the bin and work away.