You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Hillbillies will he choc a bloc

The library less so :grinning:

That fella loves to twist things,nobody said there was zero risk and he knows that.I think most parents aren’t going to get their young kids vaccinated now as they can see it’s not really harmful to kids.The vaccine probably poses more harm to them.


Man you are being seriously mugged off if the creche will be charging you full fees for that week. This closure is purely down to their staffing issues and no way should you be picking up the tab for that

Tony on telling everyone to keep following the restrictions. The guy is clinging on as much as he can.

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Because restrictions are really working, are there still people still listening to that overgrown ape?


Will you vaccinate your own kids out of curiosity?

This is the comment I’m talking about:

This was your response to it:

I must say I do find that response surprising.

Child hospitalisation rates are at record highs. That is far from zero risk.

You say you wonder about the long term effects of vaccines on children? What reasonable grounds for saying this do you have? Have you wondered about the long term effects of Covid on children, which as far as I can see is a much more reasonable worry to have?

These are the death statistics from the US as regards the periods immediately before vaccination in children for various diseases was approved. Seems to me that if somebody is against child vaccination for Covid, the logic they use to justify that position would have to extend to other vaccines too. It wouldn’t make sense as a position if it didn’t extend to other vaccines.

Nuance is important in this. I can’t speak for @fenwaypark but broadly agreeing with a statement isn’t the same as pledging an oath of allegiance with every word contained in it. Not everything needs a forensic deconstruction.



Yeah, we’ve pulled on the crèche jersey throughout the pandemic and paid up when it’s been closed so far, but this seems different. It’s closing because staff are either unvaccinated or not boosted and therefore have to restrict movements even with no symptoms. They say because it’s a small crèche and there’s crossover of staff between different rooms to cover breaks and on different days too (e.g. someone might be minding babies on Monday but in a different room minding toddlers on Tuesday) they are viewed as a single pod. Hence if a kid in one particular room reports a positive test then a load of staff across the whole place will be deemed close contacts and have to restrict movements for 7 days if they’re not vaccinated/boosted, thus leading to the closure in this instance.

This is what you should do @Bandage


We’ve finalised negotiations on a €100 per day (9am-4.30pm) arrangement with one of the crèche staff members who isn’t considered a close contact.

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As far as I can see, these fucking boosters are making people more susceptible to catching the virus, Mrs Tassotti is upstairs with dose number 2 of wuhan flu, I took no booster and have no intention of it and am 100%


Bandage showing off his admin powers here today with quick fire posting on this topic.


Typically unhinged and aggressive interjection from you.



This is why. This was known last summer but pharma did a good job aided by the msm in suppressing it.

Sounds like a lot of explaining

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Touch of the Boris Johnson about it alright.

Another one of your reliable sources? Do you ever tire of swallowing every piece of stupid shite you come across on Facebook? Would you like to buy some magic beans?


Looks like people with the vaccine are actually getting sicker than those without with omicron. But thankfully not seriously sick…

I’m raging now I took the vaccine. I’ll not be taking it going forward. I denounce my membership of the flock.

Time for the sheep to wake up.