You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Iā€™m sure that in time everybody will be happy to admit that mistakes were made, this was unprecedented.
I agree with the last post and whoever it was that said that Omnicron has shifted the focus significantly, a Godsend really

Mary Wilson needs to be stopped! She needs to be stopped right now!!

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Youā€™re coming across as a zeroWilson zealot.

You get the feeling there are several lads here who will spend most of their day scouring Twitter for something to make them enraged.

But Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll get a load of likes and high fives from their circle jerking bros when they finally do find something to post up here, so itā€™ll all have been worthwhile.

The irony merchant lashing it out early this morning :smiley:


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I noticed that too but in fairness itā€™s the question her whole listenership were thinking. Itā€™s only now you start to see the end of this youā€™ll see the absolute fear that has been ingrained in an awful lot of people. A lot of people on twitter thought the world would end with schools opening they were genuinely terrified. Theyā€™re turning away completely from the science and the data as theyve been conditioned to see things in such a negative light.


Reduced to the letters section of the Times. Even the Irish media have stopped giving these attention seeking freaks airtime.


Oh calm down and try not to take yourselfso seriously. It was just a gentle jibe, apologies if it struck a nerve.
Hereā€™s a lovely video from the noble and eminent Professor Sunetra Guptaā€¦this wasnā€™t unprecedented at all, hence the advocates of established pandemic response etc have simply been proven right. Of course the esteemed professor is much too dignified to indulge in any form of triumphalismā€¦a bit like myself I suppose


The true believers are interesting with ISAG, itā€™s noticeable when the likes of McDonkey drop off their stuff. He was passionately appealing to us all to admit that Hone Rule was Rome Rule this time last year so we could have an All Ireland Zero COVID plan.

I wonder how these discussions go when someone decides to stop being attached to them.

Any sign of the Lag yourself and @Bandage were goin on about


The triple vaxxed nut jobs clinging to the last remnants of control from under their bed. Youā€™ve already cost us two years of our lives and done uncountable mental health damage to peopleā€™s livesā€¦these people are traitors to Ireland.


I definitely earmarked Monday, 17 January, as the day we could make some cautious pronouncements about omicron, and whether the lag has materialised to any great extent. Iā€™m aiming to do so tonight.


Would you not wait until Tuesday evening for the weekend noise in the data to be filtered out ?

Yizzzers all wrongzrs.

Professor of excercise

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McConkey got a telling off from the architect and hasnā€™t been heard from much since.

Even Dunphy is getting lads on the podcast now talking about the economic importance of a return to normality.

Itā€™s done.

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I listened to the South Africans.

hoping to hit 20% on Ryanair for a month


Where was Gupta for the last year and a half? Herself and co-signatories of the Not Great Barrington Declaration like Johnny Bananas and Harold Shipman went awful quiet after saying we were done with Covid.

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He was on Radio 1 over the weekend suggesting men may need to do a course to obtain a licence to socialise.

I found myself nodding in agreement with him.