You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Heā€™s from Monaghan so would insist on presenting with a cowboy hat and pair of brown shoes to be admitted to hospitality.

Probably censored by the press for being right. Now that the slow learners have realised they got it wrong they might have her back on.

History will be kind to them

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ā€œas normalā€ā€¦

Where would you be going with someone so egotistical and so off the charts stupidā€¦ ā€˜Rain ends up on the ground and therefore comes from there.ā€™

No wonder such lads reckon getting into Harvard is like going to the moon.

Then again, what else could be expected from this ladā€™s chauffeurā€¦

Gerald Kean (Bentley)

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You were wrong.

You hung your hat on the key metric being infection rates. We had about 500,000 infections in the last month and weā€™re looking at the end of restrictions. So you were simply wrong. Maybe because youā€™re simple.

Posting nice photos you took of Gerald Kean when he was with you on your holidays is cute.


You are an absolute moron with a hobby in right wing inanities same way as some lads like cars. You do not like encountering someone a million times more intelligent than you because brains is the only thing money cannot buy. That truth makes you uncomfortable, same as anyone able to do anything you could not do makes you jealous. There is nothing to you except the sort of obsequious competitiveness familiar in the higher realms of business gofer-ness around Dublin. If I had the slightest interest in what morons think, I could go through several facets around this virus I was the first person to raise ā€“ and was proved entirely correct.

But I have no interest in morons.

This shit again :roll_eyes:


After I cut through the barbed wire of nonsense you have written - ā€œa million times more intelligentā€ :joy::joy: the fact remains that you were wrong.

Now run along and dig out your photo album of Gerald Kean before I scold you some more.

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Will we put this down to natural immunity being superior, omicron evading the vaccine or the vaccines weakening immune systems?


The only thing you ever scolded in your life was an au pair.

You are a moron and obsessed, like many a moron, with the opposite of being a moron. Anyone here could predict your opinion on anything.

Keep up the glib little attempts at rejoinders, if it makes you happy, like speculating on the salary of other school gate fathers. The way you continually solicit my attention makes you look as big an eejit as you actually are. Every soap opera needs, I guess, its Mike Baldwin type vulgarian.

It seems anyone who got the vaccine or the booster were the ones who got the bad dose from Omicron where as those unvaccinated got nothing more than a cold. Time to open up everything. Lads that are still hiding under the bed can stay there if they like, the rest of us will get on with it.




If they donā€™t open the pubs we need to think about protesting. Enough is enough.

They take so long phasing these things in that by the time they come into effect thereā€™s a new big, bad variant after taking hold and they have to backtrack


Good that they pulled a later time out of their holes to replace the earlier time they had originally pulled out of their holes

Would you have the publicans choose their own time :grinning:

I think the time as dictated on the licence they trade under would suffice.


They should be picking their own times at this stage or whatever their license says.

The restrictions we have arenā€™t working to slow down case numbers from being high (one of them admitted this today I think even) and it doesnā€™t seem to be translating to deaths and people in ICU anyway so take another week or 10 days if they want just to be sure but I donā€™t think thereā€™s any justification for restrictions around anything really after that.