You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Interesting data coming from Scotland on this.

Sure would you even know?

dont mind him, hes being a glascist


I don’t know what the risk difference is and sure I don’t really mind if I get it or not but that’s hardly the point of these is it?

Me either, from a covid/personal safety perspective at least, but it’s a means to an end.

Of course they are, and smelly, that’s why we want to ban them.

Your stance on vaccine passports - a policy btw which looks to be nearing an end is bizarre. The only reason they were introduced was to coerce people to take the vaccine. Politicians have admitted this, public experts in this country have admitted it. Even going so far as to say an unvaccinated person carries the same viral load as a vaccinated person. There is evidence all around you to say they are pointless as they do not stop transmission but you are doubling down for no apparent reason. You have resorted to petty jibes, smart alecy comments and traded insults in your last number of posts I am none the wiser as to your position.

So please indulge me and apologies if you have articulated your views on this already as I was on sabbatical. Is it because you subscribe to the Trudeau line of thinking that equates a person who doesn’t want a vaccine to a misogynist and a racist and the vaccine pass will be akin to kind of social separation of the wheat from the chaff, is it because you would not want to engage in pulmonary promiscuity while you were in a bar enjoying a drink with an unvaxxed person, perhaps you like rules based societies and the more rules we have the better? Is it because you perceive the unvaxxed to be bed blockers and again what is your definition of unvaxxed? Is it a pliable term i.e. is a person who elects to have 2 doses but doesn’t opt for a booster an unvaxxed person? And how would you deal with other bed blockers like the 1,000 people who end up in hospitals every week due to smoking or 100 people dying every week due to smoke related illnesses. Would you set BMI limits for people attending restaurants to stop bed blocking by obese people due to diabetic and cardiac issues? How far does the vaccine pass discriminate in your world? Does the fact that almost all the people in ICU at the moment are in there because of the Delta strain change your view or relax it in terms of vaccine pass being a blunt force instrument now that the Omicron variant is almost wholy dominant? What if the vaccines carried a negative efficacy towards a future variant, would you keep digging this E-hole you have gone down? Would you deny a 5 year old an education because they don’t have the vaccine? You might get less blowback if you qualify your motives clearly for a vaccine pass.


@johnnysachs giving glas very little in the way of wriggle room here.

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You say vaccines are pointless. Could you explain this, then?

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The vaccine is good against disease ie hospitalisations and death but not infection. My point was made in terms of transmission and passing it to other people.

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OK so based on what you’ve written there, vaccines are anything by pointless. And vaccine passports – which are a direct function of the effectiveness of vaccines – are also anything but pointless.

Over the last year it was explained ad nauseum by experts that as long as Covid continued to widely circulate, there would be a serious threat of a vaccine evasive variant. That threat was sadly realised. It would appear our current vaccines give limited protection against transmission - but they do give some – especially the booster. But the most important thing is that vaccines still remain extremely effective against severe disease, as you admit.

It is interesting to see the sudden pivot by the “cases don’t matter” brigade to “cases do matter”.

I personally think cases absolutely do still matter, as the more cases there are, the higher the hospitalisations, illnesses and deaths that will follow on from that. But it is categorically not the case that it is irrelevant whether people are vaccinated or not. Vaccination protects. It protects individuals and it protects society, and everything within that society that needs to function, especially the health service but also every single business and organisation.

I’m flabbergasted that you saw fit to draw comparisons between people who choose to remain unvaccinated and people with complex health and addiction problems. It doesn’t matter how many times people make these comparisons, they will always be stupid ones.

Nobody has been refused treatment in hospital because they are unvaccinated, and that is the way it should remain. But the fact remains that those people who choose to remain unvaccinated are doing so either because they choose to believe lies, or because they want to be deliberately awkward, pig headed, selfish, whatever you’re having yourself. There is simply no comparison to highly complex health and/or addiction issues, which tend to be long lasting, even lifelong problems. And being fat or an alcoholic or a heavy smoker are not highly infectious respiratory viruses. You cannot solve these issues with a couple of simple three second jabs. Whereas each individual can do a great deal to help solve the Covid problem, at least in terms of personal protection, with a couple of simple three second jabs.

The appropriate comparison of the unvaccinated is to smoking in indoor public spaces. We no longer allow smoking in indoor public spaces because it was i) a health hazard and ii) it made life unpleasant and annoying for non-smokers. The ending of the freedom of smokers to breathe their smoke over others resulted in greater freedom for the majority. And it’s something we pretty much now all accept, and think is a good thing.


SOS for @glasagusban

Probably busy trying to delete all the posts he has on here objectifying women.

The justification went for vaccine passports ages ago. By all means take it if you want to, and if you’re in anyway vulnerable, definitely do. Take 20 of them if you want. But it’s clear as day the virus will transmit with or without it.


A proper country.

People in England will no longer be required to wear facemasks anywhere or work from home from next week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said.

Conv + 5


The parallels with Churchill are amazing - he’s going to be turfed out of office weeks after his greatest victory.

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This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure.

It does seem to me that there is very much a need for the vaccines but very little if any for the vaccine passport. The passport made sense if it stopped transmission and even in a slightly underhand way if if encouraged people to get vaccinated. Seeing as transmission is through the roof and nearly everyone is vaccinated I’m genuinely struggling to see any need for it at this particular moment in time as Kenny Cunningham would say. What is the reason for continuing it?


I love the reply to this saying what about the retail works (or insert any other occupation). FFS do they all want free money off the state?

The frontline workers who are getting this bonus are getting off their employers, the state. It is clearly outlines that its for ever was on site and not nuala sitting on her couch sending emails. I fully support my tax money going to this but some people need to get a dose of reality. A lot of us had it relatively easy to say the least, compared to folks who work in healthcare. I’ll still give them a clap on Thursday for old time sake.

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Outstanding post.

Public opinion is turning against virtue signallers, you can now catch wokefish without a license, and they are lashing out on the way to the their safe space, is the only explanation for him. He has made no argument.

I’m vaccinated, my choice and risk. I couldn’t care less what anyone elses ‘vaccine status’ is. Imagine suggesting withholding medical treatment based on it. This pandemic is some revealer of tossers.


Hamster covid is coming for us now lads. Back on the wheel


From day 1 they’ve ridiculed every attempt at reducing the spread of the virus. The vaccine certs were just one of the methods brought in to tackle the first two variants which killed millions. They are now ridiculing the cert because the third variant isn’t as serious. I wouldn’t bother trying to debate with that kind of anti logic. They think they’ve been right all along when they’ve got everything wrong. Gas fuckers.