You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite



Some disgusting speciesism on display in this thread in the past 24 hours.

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Now I know what a fool I’ve been
But if you kiss me once
You know you’d fool me again

on a scale of 1 to 10, how concerned are you about the new variant?



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Omicron has come home.

I see this is in three more European countries already. Travel ban introduced 6 weeks after this variant likely emerged is working well so.

These variant have just now been sequenced and now that everywhere is looking for these variants they will find them. No point t in adding restrictions against something already here. Pandora is out of the box

Thanks for your input, it’s being duly noted.

After one fraught morning We changed settings so only admins can send messages.




So this “savage” new variant is apparently nothing worse than a mild head cold

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Maybe it prevents lads from smelling a rat

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Bojo to address the Nation in 10 minutes

he will officially announce that the Omicron variant will become the dominant strain in the UK within 3 months


Is it time to reopen the temporary morgues in Nowlan Park and Nenagh?

This thing could be fucking savage altogether.

Just on the phone to home there, people are terrified, terrorized, angry and scared


We all have just 3 months to live