You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

They are cool as a breeze about it over here. The ski jumping season started.

Is it too late to build an ice rink and re-purpose it as a morgue?

Increased mask usage. PCR test required for all arrivals who must isolate pending a negative result

My God, I thought you you were someone to rely on. Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on

Another Peppa Pig World debrief?

A measured response

At least the racist Zero Coviders got to damage more African countries.

You shouldn’t have rang so…


The restrictions were brought in by your buddies.

Nice that you’re admitting to being a racist, finally some honesty on your part!

Bavaria has fallen

If Jack Charlton was still around he’d probably ask if O’Micron had an Irish grandparent.

The IRFU will be desperate to sign up O’Micron as a project player. They love South African imports.

The Tory press will no doubt refer to this new variant as O’Macron, in an effort to discredit those pesky Irish and the French president.

Sounds like the sale of tissues is gonna go through the roof in response.

The next week will be crucial.

MHQ will be back shortly. It was a roaring success last time so fingers crossed it’s more of the same



South Africa had to be punished

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I’m deeply concerned by the scenes I’ve seen in Dingle this weekend


Didnt the bould gerry kileen go over to Africa to fight another pandemic? Now this emerged.


Gang of us going to Bristol next weekend and the WhatsApp is hopping nobody a clue what the requirements are or will be. I’m nearly sure she will be a non runner