You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Who is doing the calling up? Very little pressure up here apart from the relentless bbc hypnosis.

As someone who bangs on about the restrictions being a cod etc., I still believe its not over until masks are gone and the emergency legislation is removed but Ireland is ahead of the curve with the removal of most last week. Just back from Barcelona and you need a vaccine cert even to sit outside a restaurant and you are supposed to wear a mask on the street. I am retiring from the covid cod thread. No need to be a headbanger here. My job is done

Text message from govt. Like we all got.

He’s getting texts from the Queen…

We’ve decided to not vaccinate the eldest. Her mother, the boss thinks she’s too young.

I didn’t realise it was so bad down there. Did you sign up for some government mind control propaganda service or does this sort of stuff just happen?

Rigsbee, though, didn’t hesitate to get vaccinated. He believed it was the right decision for him considering his age and overall health, but it was a decision that put him in the minority among his friends.

“My best friend in the whole world was a big anti-vax guy,” Rigsbee said. “He was a small-business owner, had a really successful roofing company. He would come over every day and work out with me, and we’d walk our dogs together. He kept saying, ‘Riggs, I’m not getting vaxxed, it’s just the government trying to track you.’ I teased him: ‘I hate to break it to you, buddy, but no one gives a s— about tracking you.’”

One day at breakfast, Rigsbee says his friend started coughing but insisted it was just a cold. The next day, he and his wife were admitted to the hospital with COVID-19. Three days later, his friend died of a heart attack after a blood clot formed in his lung.

“My buddy Greg, he ended up giving it to three of our friends,” Rigsbee said. “All three of them almost died. Only one guy in our group didn’t get it. Guess who that was? Me. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.”

Hope they have enough tissues and strepsils

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Is this like Omicron only even milder again?
Omicron has cleverly decided to drop all symptoms whatsoever - it could sneak inside your house and infect everyone and you’d never even know. Chilling.

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I see Paul Reid now has no issue in saying only half the people in hospital with Covid were actually admitted with covid.

Strange how they couldn’t give that info during the lockdowns.


It’s absolutely phenomenal to think we could very easily be in a level 5 lockdown now if tony wanted us to be. He could literally have clicked his fingers in late December and at least half the country would have thought it was a great idea. Wed now be crediting the low numbers in hospital with the lockdown but saying ‘jesus there’s still around 10k cases I’d say the schools will go back around easter’


Lockdowns don’t work.


I actually think half the reason the restrictions were lifted in the manner that they were unexpectedly is due to this very point.

Holohan is on record on twitter as saying it was 5% incidental hospital admissions rather than 50%.

Data from the US and the UK came in then and he shat himself. Varadker even publically came out and said hospital admissions with covid rather than from covid was in the 30% range.

It blew the whole rationale then out of the water, ie stopping the hospitals from being overwhelmed.

Now just imagine the same data was available for deaths.


Philip Boucher Hayes made a right turnip out of that Swede on the radio some time back.

Filleted him.

It was top quality journalism by the RTE man.

Why we pay the licence fee.

Could have quite easily panned out that way only we couldn’t have afforded another lockdown.

That was very odd. The whole sudden end of the lockdown was odd. I wonder will we ever find out what was going on.


There was a definite change in policy. It’s gone from headlines too. Maybe they realised the data no longer justified the restrictions and economic cost was not sustainable

As recently as 30 December, Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan said in a statement that “less than 5%” of cases in hospital or intensive care have ‘incidental’ Covid. By that that definition, he explained in the December statement, he meant asymptomatic and non-infectious disease.


Lock the thread (again).

It’s over


They know what is coming when the tribunals and enquirers start