You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

They make electric cars you clown


This shit again??

There’s no such thing as TUSLA, you can’t say TUSLA on TFK :joy:

because of a technicality like :+1:

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Are any of you, or people you know still pressing ahead with getting their kids vaccinated as of now?

My kids would put a bread knife between my ribs, and give it a good twist…I’d like to think

It’s a place in Bosnia.

It’s hard to know what’s satire anymore

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I’d imagine kids in the current cohort would be keen to get vaccinated if their friends were etc. They wouldn’t have the same views as in this place.

Can’t see the logic but up but being called up on Saturday - don’t want to do it at all.

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RFK Junior is an epic simpleton. The anti-vaxxers really do hate the Jews.

Feel Better Larry David GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

The relaxation of most restrictions was great to see. Its not just about being able to go for a pint. Being able to dine indoors, go to the cinema, go to the gym, be able to attend a match and not have to worry anymore about a vaccine mandate for work is a huge relief to me personally.

The timing I thought was a bit odd. Was it anything to do with deflection from the vaccine efficacy or even the point around hospital admissions being to or from covid? Who knows. Maybe they genuinely realised that there was no rationale for the restrictions given Omicron.

Hopefully the rest of the restrictioms are scrapped too shortly including travel and the bullshit cloth mask mandates.

Time to move forward now fingers crossed.

The little weirdos are mad for the jab in general, it’ll be a job of work keeping them away from the vacc centres if that’s the thinking

Schools going back online here for the month of February. The Government getting spooked by the forecasted case numbers. They even called the opposition in for a chat today. The penny must have finally dropped on the correlation between serious illness and low vax rates. Most of the Polish equivalent of NPHET resigned last week.

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Youd have to say thats a major win for the Jab it up to fuck crew

How can there be serious illness, it’s only a cod?

Those hundreds of people dying each day must be pretending.



It always was and continues to be a cod, mate.

Elderly people with two or three underlying illnesses unfortunately die in the winter months.This happens every year. The covid era has just made that a big deal.

Every single death is a tragedy. But a bit of perspective is needed too.Neither you or me will live forever or anyone else on this forum for that matter.

Cunts can stay under the bed if they’re afraid. Don’t blame the likes of me for their vaccine not preventing transmission or providing immunity.

Or their weak immune system for falling fown for a headcold equivalent which Omicron is.

People need to cop on now and move on from this.