You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

And then you go and spoil it all
By saying something stupid

Omnicron will save us all. Take over from Delta and be mild as a cold, a pure sound cunt

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Seems to be good news from what Iā€™ve heard,
Iā€™m absolutely shitting it that the schools will close,

@iron_mike could you post up that memegifemoji thingy where the woman spits out her coffee?

Negative PCR needed


My new girlfriend said it would be at least 6 months before she would give me blowjobs, I told her I totally respect her position, and I will call her nearer the time.


Itā€™s all a dream an illusion now.
It must come through
Some day soon, somehow

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2 days into omicron and noone has mentioned lrrr


Why do they skip letters

Well they obviously had a problem with Xi.


Science innit

Dunno, anti epsilon & galmma?

Itā€™s the media who are gammaphobes

I think of it every time I hear it!

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ā€œHopiumā€ is a lovely little barb.

I think that has to be carried out in the uk though doesnā€™t it

Recap: UKā€™s new travel policy :point_down:t4:

ALL passenger arrivals, even vaccinated, must quarantine on arrival, and then take pre-booked PCR

Only when PCR negative result is out, is the passenger permitted to end quarantine ā€” but this could be multiple days depending on the test provider

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Wonā€™t apply to Ireland