You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Doing its best to stay relevant.

The Virus is stubborn and misses the limelight.

It’s fucking rampant again folks.

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I can just see Holahan sitting in his office there, looking out the window with a smirk on his face thinking he will be back front and centre soon.

We’re days away from a statement advising he’s ‘concerned’ about the trajectory of the virus.

What’s that? That can’t be true. Sure the pandemic was declared completely over by our resident experts here.

Actually, scratch that, it was declared to have never happened by our resident experts here and that everybody who said there was a pandemic is in on a conspiracy.

It’s done lads. The lads with it aren’t even sick ffs


I have it.

I spoke to 6 lads with it this morning. Symptoms but no one exactly on deaths door.

Get it and move on

It’s done with, not a hope of restrictions being reintroduced the money tap has been turned off, cost of Irish sovereign borrowing has gone from 0.1% in December to over 1% now, dealing with the economic fallout of the Ukrainian situation is much more pressing.


The only people that aren’t done with talking about Covid and restrictions are the same lads who whined the last two years solid about it :joy::man_shrugging:

‘ Holohan at the window, Holohan making statements’
Get over it ye clowns,


Tony picks up the phone “Glynner give Reid and Nolan a shout, we’re getting the band back together”


Stop testing yerselves ffs lads


We’re not all sitting on our couches all day and getting paid to nap

Let’s not get into a time spent working debate.

I was actually just thinking about a nap there.

I was talking to a fella over the weekend who was involved in a pretty important role dealing with the public, and he hasn’t taken one covid test in 2 years, it’s a fucking cod.

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It’s definitely done with.

If have symptoms do an antigen test, if positive stay at home, if negative and symptoms persist repeat resting for a few few day, if still negative drive on ta fuck. Personal responsibility etc. No point in bitching and moaning anymore covid isnt going anywhere ever

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Holohan will have us back in level 5 by the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel.

The amounf of time we lost to being told AG tests were a bag of shite. Woud have definitely helped a lot of people.

