You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Did fellas genuinely say that here? :smile: In fairness I canā€™t believe how quickly nphet etc pivoted. I dont think anyone on either side of the debate can.

I suspect the politicians sensed a change in the mood music and felt it was safe to stand down NPHET without public backlash.

Yeah but nphet changed the direction of their advice completely it seems to me. From being cautious in comparison to other countries to being completely OIUTF even in comparison to others. :person_shrugging:t2:

Population, population density rates, past infection rates & current vaccination rates are completely different to other Countries.

Whatā€™s confusing you?

The fact that you post so much while saying so little of interest to anyone confuses me :person_shrugging:t2:


Really? After your own post you come back with that?


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I always maintained that if you donā€™t get tested - you can never get covid, pal.

That is hilarious though :grinning:

Goes to show how poor the media now is running with schtick like that.

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Some flexing by the Unions and HSE to see how far they can push the meaningless restrictions forever more. Shameless.


Itā€™s next November when theyā€™ll really push hard.

That all seems reasonable enough to me. There are certain simple things, easy wins, that can be done to alleviate the stress on the health service. Thereā€™s a bit of a macho culture attached to the virus in some quarters. The cohort demanding that we need to get ā€œback to normalā€ at all costs and if people get sick then so be it. For example, Iā€™d certainly favour mandatory working from home for any business that operated on that basis during the lockdown periods. That should continue until at least 2024.


ā€¦when the national baby service system kicks in?

Follow the female lead, no sign of the virus here.


Jesus, that actually looks like what I think hell is like.
An able bodied (presumably) person aspiring to lounge around all day :man_shrugging:

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I canā€™t fucking buy a positive antigen. 4 negatives and counting


The ergonomic set up is terrible there. That lady is going to develop some serious lower back and wrist issues.

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Theyā€™re definitely going to bring back in masks. Thereā€™s no way the government will hold their nerve against that pressure from the medical unions