You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

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By God.

Masks are a cod unless they mandate n95 or equivalent masks.

Otherwise masks are really a visual cue.


Iā€™m onto Day 9 of positive antigens.

Work away if you want one.

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Pageantry is how some punter described it

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Iā€™m encountering hundreds of unmasked and unvaccinated (:scream:) Ukrainians every day and still nothing

Plenty wearing masks again in shops.

Personal choices now at this stage

Those poor fuckers are walking into infection here at the moment.

I see China are announcing snap lockdowns again.

Itā€™s almost as if countries where people didnā€™t get vaccinated or where they got vaccinated with bat
piss are still not doing great.


I know but I presumed theyā€™d have to be seen to be doing SOMETHING

Speaking at a private meeting with Fianna FƔil party members tonight, Mr Donnelly reiterated that the advice from the Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan is that there is currently no need for new restrictions.


Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU

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Jesus you must be spending a solid fortune on them.

Boxes of them stacked up, everytime thereā€™s a suspected case in school boxes are sent on foc

Well you have to apply for them when there was a suspected case in the school, which of course we all did because, shur why not.

Lads with robots and islands with the paw out for a free antigen test.

You couldnā€™t make it up.


Why you still doing them? You need one positive and just do your days.


I wouldnt go near a robot. The sense of zen one gets from driving the husqvarna around the acre of an afternoon once or twice a week is something the fella with the plastic lawn and the rebounder for the chap could never understand.

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What will Ewan do once covid is around the bend in the rear view mirror? Some lads loved moaning about covud have nothing to moan about now. Restrictions are gone covid will never be gone.

Christ Ewan drives some chap mental.

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