You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Tough one for the Israel lovers here. Guess they’ll have to criticise them for being a racist state now. :grinning:

At least you’ll always have Electric Picnic 2006 to look back on.

That was always a bug bear of mine as noted on the International Business Travel thread.

All comedy is Tragedy plus laughter

A load of yerras desperately trying to make a paper mache dolphin?

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post shabbat update
supreme court have approved closing borders to foreigners.
With Hannukah starting tomorrow and Christmas in a few weeks both of which are massive events it was going to happen.
The ultra orthodox are going to go ape in Jerusalem over this so anticipate riots…it probably makes sense…the two populations who celebrate these festivals , the orthodox and then the Christian Arabs in the North of the country have had the lowest vax and highest positive rates and these holidays will see huge international movement


Doesn’t apply to us. You are good to go.

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Lads who believe the most in God believe the least in vaccines ?

Makes sense I guess.

Well some of those Haredi sects refuse to recognise the state even exists or recognise the government, they live an incredible existence altogether and conveniently forget the are funded by the tax payer…remarkable that those who don’t recognise the government are represented in there by people who actually hold the balance of power…

The Arabs are the opposite side of the same coin…if they pull from Bennets coalition he will fall…there you go who’d have thought an Arab party would be backing up a Jewish nationalist?..OK they are predominantly Christian Arabs and Druzim…the Arabs have serious sway in the supreme court now tho…which is massive… folks still cry apartheid…anyway

israel. never a dull moment


It always struck me that Jewish culture is a nepotistic meritocracy of sorts. You need to be in the right family to have a shot but if you’re in the bright lads ride to top.

Like the Catholic Church.

Israel is an apartheid state mate. Zionazis. Complete shower of cunts. An Utter Utter Cunt Of A Country


yes in the orthodox world it is…its not applicable to secular folk

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are you referring to inside the actual state?? as in places like Nazareth, Haifa, Beer Sheva etc…im not aware of any apartheid there

That lad’s a bit excitable, take no notice of him.

I’d agree with him that there are elements of the Zionist settler movement in the West Bank who are absolute scumbags and I dont agree with any of the nonsense and despicable sectarianism they promote but to suggest that the actual country itself with what a 22% Arab population (I
am not obviously taking about areas under Palestinian control) ?? is an apartheid state is ludicrous
look at the soccer team ffs… the actual current government even?

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The wave has passed

If the lads living in the townships would only bring their laptops home with them we could avoid all this


Everyone has equal rights there do they?