You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

ICU doctors speak out: ā€˜Thereā€™s no optimistic scenario. Thereā€™s only pessimism and carnageā€™ (via @IrishTimes) ICU doctors speak out: ā€˜Thereā€™s no optimistic scenario. Thereā€™s only pessimism and carnageā€™

Do they have the Internet in the townships, do you think?

Surely itā€™s just a case of brining the laptop home and ā€œworkingā€ from there?

Horse racing last time, it seems Rugby has fucked us this time

It was horse racing the first time and gaa the last time (the county final wave). Only fair rugby gets a shot.

Cork you mean

in Israel yes absolutely 100%
why do you think they wouldnā€™t?
have you ever been Tel Aviv or Jaffa for example?. do people in Haifa live differentlyā€¦? is nazarerh or saknin different to the rest of the country? ( Those x2 cities have majority Arab population so I used those).
my boss was from one of those ffs

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There are Arab populations, so it canā€™t be an apartheid state, is whatā€™s youā€™re saying?

They riddled the fucking place in August when they came up for the match

there is a substantial arab population yes , I think around 22% inside of the state yes, as is there Sudanese or what not.
can you please show examples of apartheid that exist for arab citizens of the state of israel?
or I assume you have been there so those would be better examples if you had them.
we lived in a mixed city for years.
if you are saw an engineer of arab background living in say Baka Al gharbayie and Iā€™m of Jewish background living in ashdod ,what rights are different? does the country discriminate?.take in mind we probably went to same university and work for sane company.
now I know you wonā€™t be able to answer this abs will default to some link you found online and thatā€™s fine but what you are speaking about is nonsense and you know itā€¦or more than likely it shows a complete misunderstanding of the country


if you go to a hospital in Jerusalem @glasagusban who do you think is running the place?
a quick Google of the employee profile of hadassah ein Karem should answer thatā€¦to keep the thread relevantā€¦

are you telling me that you think it is only Jewish people live in Israel??




Info on the cases in schools

I know you like to post long meandering wind up posts so I wonā€™t bother going into this too much with you. Different treatment in front of the courts based on religion/nationality is an obvious one - a regular thing the Israeli courts do is apply humanitarian rather than national law when it suits them - access to property rights on the same basis is another one. Then of course thereā€™s the straight up blocking of statehood for a nation and everything that goes with that. Grand enough for you if youā€™re happy to ignore that - ā€œsure thereā€™s Arab doctors!ā€ - Iā€™m sure youā€™d have been equally happy in apartheid south Africa looking after the locals.

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where is there different treatment in front of the courts based on religion or nationality ? where?
the nationality of everyone in the country is the same , unless tourists or expats
you have absolutely no iota what you are talking about and for that reason you are unable to even engage in a discussion.
have you ever been? clearly no?
its an impossible discussion to have .

Iā€™ll take the capital city for example be it Tel Aviv or Jlam
what way are citizens of TA who identify as Arab treated differentlyā€¦and there is a huge population in Jaffa


on property rights??
where are you going with that
youā€™re in Nazarerhā€¦more than likely youā€™re an Arabā€¦you canā€™t build a house???

You would feel sorry for South Africa, they discovered the new variant due to having good scientists, yet the message out there is that they are spreading it


@glasagusban will accredit the success of their health system like Israel to apartheid