You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Mick had a great way of making the simpletons ignore his cuntish behaviour by shouting ā€œlook over thereā€. Heā€™s still at it now, although Iā€™m not sure even the simpletons are buying it this time.

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Itā€™s amazing the cognitive dissonance lads jump through.

MW being elected (and CB) shows up Irish voters and maybe the PR system as a fucking rabble.

Whoā€™s CB?

He meant Clare the cunt I reckon

I did.

All youā€™re worried about is how we look to other Europeans? The cap doffer is strong in you. :smiley::smiley:

They are a disgrace.

You were wrong. Admit it. Move on.

Sure a lad who never went to Brussels kept getting elected because he was Fianna Fail and in a wheelchair.



The wash is appearingā€¦

Does anyone know what were the cases and hospitalisations in the meaningful Christmas January surge compared to the peak they hit post Christmas this year?
Is there a possibility we could have rode that out like we did this time or were they way higher?

Way higher. As were deaths.

My record now stands at 0/2 on Covid tests. There was a real feeling of last chance saloon on this one and all.

Dickie Rocks wife has passed away after contracting Covid, are there many deaths still being attributed to it??


Is that the Rockā€™s (of Cork fame) father?

No itā€™s the fella who invented Viagra. Youā€™d imagine the wife would have got the Pfizer vaccine

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Lets hope our lot also get held to account for their covid crimes

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Tragic and criminal that the only people who needed to be protected/vaccinated were treated in such a fashion.

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