You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

When the chinese decide something, it’s decided. And there is very little recourse for appeal.


Some Chinese version of simon donnelly knows he’s living on borrowed time unless he can tell Xi he can stick a fork in it.

Ho Lo han has the placed ruined


Mick and Claire will be along shortly to explain that it’s just a bit of a misunderstanding and that if the residents had just engaged in a bit of dialogue it would all have been fine.


Lads its done.


The costumes. :rofl:

Remember the days when we had guards fresh out of Templemore, laning in the driver window asking us what we were up to?

People just need to follow the health advice.

You’ll never forgive Mick for shining a light on bent coppers.

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I’m revelling in being proven correct on the Cunt all along. This sort of vindication is what the internet is all about.


Shur he’s a great lad. He sticks it to ‘The Man’!

As he pockets a small fortune in roubles. Like now he hid all his assets and fucked over the state during the crash. How’s the vineyard going I wonder


And the corporate box in the Stadio del Alpi. Some man of the people this lad.

You’ll never go poor betting on the stupidity and gullibility of the common simpleton.

A cunt for highlighting Garda corruption?

He also highlighted tax avoidance in the Dàil. Remember that?

Zero covid nut bags… That’s what headbangers wanted here.

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A cunt for robbing the country blind and sucking on Mother Russias tit.

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Allowing tax evaders sit in the Dail was brought in for the likes of Mick alright.