You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


Strong proof that drink kills the immune system… In my case anyway. We had covid in the house twice before and I didn’t get it. Had a few pints, 2 days in a row last week and bang, it spotted the guard down and climbed in. The cunt.


Sounds like hayfever to me.

I’d say it is, im riddled with hayfever/sinus pain this week

Those tress that let off the white floaty stuff have gone mental the last week or so. You can see the seeds floating in the air everywhere

It’s the seasonal change Dan. I get that once a year too for a day or two

I finally caught it this week as well. Went on the pints in town on Friday and Saturday, which would be a rare enough occurrence for me at this stage. Thought it was just a hangover on Sunday. By Monday I was shook. i’d describe it as a heavy head cold with fatigue thrown in. Cunt of a thing knew I was on the drink. Already feeling fairly grand again.

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Do you take anything for it.

I’d say most lads could benefit from a prescription anti histamine a few times a week

Centrine every day from Paddy’s day to October bank holiday.

Never had hayfever before up until last year, ended up bed ridden twice with Sinusitis last year. An awful dose.


My young lad gets it really bad - he takes Drynol which i take on occasion. I think he needs to get
montelukast which is an asthma drug (cc Coach Klopp) that is the bidniz for hay fever

One clarityn pill a day for around a week does me.

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And Do you take anything for the hay fever?

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Dunno the name but it has a Mitsubishi logo on it. Sweats it out of me, very effective


Slept 9 hours solid last night and felt like a king this morning. Did 2 hours work and then lied on the bed to make a phone call, woke up 40 mins later! Those power naps are savage for healing.


You won’t beat natural remedies. We all need to slow down.

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The post viral fatigue is a thing.

You’ll only be back to normal by the time Liam reaches Ballinasloe in July

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Post viral fatigue sounds suspiciously like long covid

Its an incredibly serious condition that can prevent you from going to work

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I went to visit a kinesiologist up in the Dublin mountains in June 2016. I had a nasty dose in March of that year (cows calving, new baby and a team of underperforming Indians) and spent a week in the bed. 8 weeks later I was still fucked. Anyway this lady spent 2 hours assessing me and prescribed quite a few natural supplements, a clean diet and sleep, sleep, sleep. Magnesium was the big gap she saw at the time. Within a month I was sorted and haven’t looked back since. I pulled out her notes again last night and it was a good refresher on how to live life.


It’s always been a thing. I had it with glandular fever as a young lad and had to reduce my drinking from three nights a week to two nights.