You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Magnesium is great for anxiety. And 3htp before bed is also the job


Some swear by local honey for your hayfever issues. Theory is by ingesting the honey that is from the local pollen, build some immunity.

Hocus pocus I do not know but I like honey and supporting small local business so no harm either way.


Dr Ritchie


Bee sting therapy is the job for hay fever. The bee venom triggers a change in the immune system - I won’t go into the science but it’s established and solid.

I can send you details for a lad who’ll put you into a glass coffin like box in the nude with 100 bees.


Lot of fellas allergic to nature here.

For all yer talk about hunter gatherer lifestyles ye cunts wouldn’t have lasted a week, sneezing everytime we got near a deer


Lads need to stop drinking milk, it has a savage effect on them


Lads drinking milk like they are baby cows.

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Does he do callouts? I could fill his week with cunts I’d gladly pay for deliver his services upon

It might be next week

He’ll be stung on the cleanup

Well change it to long virus

He’s hived that out.

If honey he’d slowed down, he wouldn’t be in this jam.

Send me on her details. I have a lad that could benefit.

Truth in that. When going abroad to an exotic country they say eat a local yoghurt when you arrive and you’ll build up local bacteria enough to avoid worst effects of a Delhi belly

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Thos is why i had to give up working from home

I’m lucky i can fall back asleep quickly if rudely awoken during the day.


Half of Asia and Africa don’t consume dairy nor have a history of atin it.

How you doing aul stock?

Flying it Har.

Ye’re haunted!