You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Covid was the lead item on Scare Byrne this morning after 40 people in hospital were confirmed as having contracted it.

We’ll have to lock it down, lads.

Fuck you @briantinnion

Lads will say that Vinay is “doing his own research.”

I think the problem is more that Vinay’s “ethics” are similar to those of Greg Norman, Dustin Johnson and Phil Mickelson.

It was bad enough the wee fucker getting myocarditis…but did he really have to go and get covid as well?

Fuck sake lad

What’s up harry?

About time.


Belter of an interview. Turns out ivor was right all along


Ivor who ?

Ivor the correct.

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Never heard of him

We’ll be back in lockdown by October pal …

Ivor Mectin


It was hardly a fucking job for life.


They must be doing fuck all inside there. Grand handy number

In fairness were they much use in stopping the spread? Chocolate teapots for a respiratory disease