You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

:rofl: Says the lad who wanted to have a mickey measuring competition.

You are so freak stupid as not to realize what you give away.

Send Thomas Mair a postcard. He will write back.

Its a cod


I hope bret is vindicated over his stance on covid. I can definitely state that itā€™s a very satisfying feeling


You were right on the dewormer anyway. Worked a treat on @gaillimhmick. Heā€™s still irritable though so there could be other issues.

Ive been right about everything mateā€¦apart from garlic having antiviral properties. I hold my hands up there

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The Pfizer fan boys are having having a hard time coming to terms with being completely mugged off

The Covid is a cod circlejerkers terrified that the steam will go out of their club :rofl:
Itā€™s done, has been for a good while :man_shrugging:


Brett was also very pro New Zealand.

Did you even bother checking your Ukrainians vaccination status?

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Here we go again with the old Ukrainian stuff :rofl:
Jesus that drove you absolutely demented :neutral_face:

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Just a civil question. Did you have to jump through many hoops in order to save the Ukrainians? It cant have been easy?

Did he clear out the junk room yet? Heā€™s a well intentioned fella.

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Youā€™re losing it, I canā€™t believe that itā€™s bothered you so much, how many times now have you brought that up now in a completely irrelevant manner :man_shrugging:

Sure he had to pack away the drum kit. Did you know he plays the oul drums?

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Hardly. I think it was a very noble gestureā€¦did you pack many in?

I donā€™t play the drums, did I say I played the drums? More of your made up stuff :man_shrugging:

Ah lads, this is priceless :joy:

@glenshane is hitting it hard again it appears.

Alec Baldwin Whiskey GIF by Product Hunt

I got the drums thing badly wrongā€¦it was probably the drum kit that had me lepping to conclusions. Hows it all going anyhow?

We can argue the toss all day but I have to admit the horse dewormer was a game changer, got to hand that one to you.