You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Well, they do not bother with paranoid cranks. So I suppose they did.

No vaccine in history has ever been 100% efficient. With all your trumpeted reading, it is rather amazing – and telling – you never grasped the most basic of basics.

Maybe booster number 45 might do it?

And I see no one has the gumption to admit the ‘Covid is seasonal, like every flu’ mantra was always stupidity squared.

Ye lost, because ye are mostly badnatured and stupid. Not all of ye but nearly all of ye. Move on.

Would another lock down make you happy. Is that it?
We could hold tight til they make an even better vaccine… One that stops you getting a head cold in summer?

So your anecdotal subset is significant enough to demonstrate the prevalence of the virus and the lack of seasonality, but not significant enough to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of the vaccine?
That’s an absolute gem of having your cake and eating it.




Which one are you?

You have not got a clue. Covid numbers are going up significantly in the middle of summer. This event is fact, not anecdote.

But you have neither the intellectual courage nor the intellectual humility to admit this fact blows out of the water one of your most cherished mantras.

Tbank the gods for the vaccines.

its 12% effective mate, its unreal :sweat_smile:

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did you ead this yet matey?

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I didnt. But i might give it a go on audible

Its a must, that gangster Fauci and the likes of Pfizer…give me strength… then you have have halfwits on here cheerleading them on, I see they are jabbing babies now under sleepy joe in the states

The vaccines seem to be useful for the elderly/vulnerable…thankfully natural immunity seems vastly superior, and attainable even if you’ve had the vaccine.
Do you think the significant cohort of summer sufferers will bother with boosters? After they’re an insignificant cohort of vaccinated covid sufferers after all…

6 months. It just shows the level of brainwashing and ideological madness that people have been exposed to.


The Vax worshipping simpletons would throw those babies on a pyre in sacrifice to the sun god’s if they were told to.

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He’s the same lad who said that infection rates and not how sick it made people was the key metric. He was wrong on that and has been back pedaling since then.


No, I did not say anything of the sort, you clown. Stick to doing the legal gofer stuff for the vacuous rich and teaching your children to suck up to Protestants.

What I.actually anticipated – before anyone did, simply by being so much more intelligent than the likes of you – was situations such as this one:

There is no fuckwit like a right wing Jordan Peterson-lobotomized fuckwit who rears his children as if they were a certain make of car.

You did say it. And you said it repeatedly. You got it wrong.

You’re a provincial journo. Maybe you’re clever but you’re not intelligent.

Your obsession with my kids and one of them playing a bit of hockey reveals a chip or two.

Now jog on and stop chatting out of your fart box.

Not going to happen I’m afraid.

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