You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Boyfriend Hang Over GIF

The comments here would make you sick. One prick in particular thinks he’s very clever and goes about the place letting everyone know how clever he thinks he is. It was great to see him called out here last night tho… You snide prick @Horsebox .

You ran from your comments like the gutless gurrier you are.

@Malarkey saying he’d impregnate @Tim_Riggins’ daughter was a bit much. I mean, who’d get up on a Dublin howya?

Great to see the uppity solicitor @TheUlteriorMotive get his cards marked also. We all know who you are now after a quick Google. You’ll probably have to move house and job now.


Good you’ve sobered up so. Don’t ever bring people’s kids into your vicious insults to people and don’t ever talk about impregnating daughters and I won’t have to pull you up on it. Crocodile tears from you now because you disgraced yourself last night but if you’ve learned the lesson of not talking about people’s kids it will have been all worth it.

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A self important gom, without two brain cells to rub. You get to be yourself.

Taking etiquette advice from the likes of you would be like taking race relations counselling from John Terry.

Old men who obsess with strangers children normally end up on a list and the next step is often prison.

You wrote that sentence. You are a badnatured gormless fuckwit, which leads you to keep the company you keep. They probably enjoy a poodle.

I will let all the hypocrites keep on being hypocrites. It has an amusing side.

Old men who obsess with strangers children normally end up on a list and the next step is often prison.

Yeah when you say you want to impregnate someone’s daughter that is a general conclusion.

It doesn’t matter on the age range. Crimes can include stalking, for example.

You’re the one who brought paedophilla into this.

I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for you to come off this pedestal you’ve put yourself on? You’ve already embarrassed yourself here with your explaining.

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Boohoo. Crocodile tears now you’ve sobered up. I did write that sentence and I stand over it. You wrote about impregnating an 8 year old. Do you stand over that?


You are the graceless fuckwit who used to be following me around, sending unwanted private messages. You are as bad at taking a hint as Marcel Marceau.

To repeat: what I said to the other lad was that Joe Duffy rhetoric about childer in the rain cuts no ice about the substantive issue at hand. He could not handle, in any sense, the argument. The meltdown was his.

Another hypocrite, another nasty piece of work, slavering.

Now fuck off and stop slavering for my attention. Take the hint.

All I wanted to hear.

Tis so easy make the hypocrites prance.

All the f’ing and blinding from a supposed man of intellect. It’s sad to see.

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You really are incredibly stupid. You appear to think haughtiness is to intelligence as dandruff shampoo is to scalp problems.

I was telling you the only way to improve your genetic line would be for your offspring to breed with someone intelligent. That observation holds true. South Dublin is full of people confidently stupid like you.

As for me… I would not contaminate my genes with the likes of yours.

Someone who fuckin’ ran rings around the fuckin’ like of fuckwits like you over fuckin’ Covid. You are the clown who could not grasp that vaccines are in the echt spirit of your great love, the GBD.

Go back to your stupidity and mediocrity. I can do nothing for you.

Smiley face.

You want to breed with my 8 year old daughter?

I notice you made this statement above btw.

Do you really think it’s acceptable in this day and age to be talking like that? Your reflex here seems to be to swear blind, call people names, call people “touched”, make odd sexual statements on people’s family and of course your usual bravado.

It reminds me more of a child or Donald Trump than a learned man.

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This is the only explanation for your behaviour.

To be clear this started with you writing multiple paragraphs claiming an internet victory over a departed poster. All because some of your friends got Covid for the first time.

I merely pointed out that according to European figures that they were in the minority and extrapolating that out was a bit much. I of course suggested that they were likely as scared of Covid well beyond what was rational like you were on here. The first timers I know getting Covid for the first time generally fall into that camp.

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Where? How I did I know you had a daughter? Or her age?


You truly are a fuckwit. And so egotistical that you cannot even see how you are contradicting yourself ten times over.

Lads following me around a discussion board is the truly weird thing here – when I have explicitly said a million times I detest ye.

But I will let others ponder the nature of yere obsession. A new twist on the term ‘mission creep’ comes to mind.

I could not give a flying one about what you think or believe about anything. I could see from the start what you are: a Kevin Myers-admiring, anti GAA, Muldoon-referring boring fuckwit vulgarian.

Your intense desire for my attention is the creepy and puzzling element here – as I am sure many readers see.

I think it is touched, yes, to be following someone around a board.

I am extremely adept at confusing lads, it seems. Now we have a ‘woke’ Dim.

You’re the one who suggested paedophillia. I may have mentioned her age on here, I can’t recall.

The leap from there was odd. Your stated behaviour could end up on any number of crimes between minors and adults. To be clear, if you are having a discussion with someone and you suggest impregnating their daughter, it is bizarre no matter the age.

Of course I know that this is just you being weird, and it’s part and parcel of your reflex these days when you can’t carry on a discussion. But you’ve got yourself into such a lather and are so full of notions about yourself that you can’t simply walk back on it without resorting to other forms of abuse.

I think I have figured out the “why” here. You exhibit the behaviour of a 12 year old boy but think yourself clever so rather than a mum joke went for the daughter.

What was it you wrote about Esteban? You wrote it repeatedly. You are the stupidest and most hypocritical fucker I’ve ever come across.

Your repeated meltdowns would be entertaining if they weren’t so pathetic.

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Stop talking about other people’s kids and people will stop “following” you around. You’re rightly embarrassed now so stop digging. “I’m polite to those who are polite” you are in your hole. You’re polite to anyone who agrees with you or licks your hole on the whiskey thread. To anyone who disagrees with you on anything you’re a disgusting pig who will stoop to any low to insult people including regularly bringing people’s kids into it.