You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Why are the virtue signallers such weirdos regarding women and children?

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Think what you like. Will never register with me.

Then I reckon you would be shocked.

Really strange behaviour. Classic incel behaviour.

This is a really odd thread, one of the carvery eating muldoons is having a breakdown

That impregnating your daughter comment is beyond weird


To be fair the right impregnate oneā€™s daughter is a core tenet of classic libertarianism, and we have quite a few classic libertarians on the forum.

I would suggest thereā€™s a fine line just beyond the
commonplace slagging of tipp lads about inbreeding, general digs about hereditary stupidity and gauche observations about sisters etc. Clearly @Malarkey stepped over it, but heā€™s a good lad and a genuine internet personality. I think he should say something like " i really fucked up there tim, Iā€™m genuinely sorry and embarassed. I sincerely apologise and ask for forgiveness " it wont be easy, seeing as timā€™s a complete bastard etc., . No-one here really wants to be calling the man a paedo ffs


Thereā€™s appears to be an assumption that Tim is very young?

Shur every woman in her 30ā€™s for example is someoneā€™s Daughter too tbf.

Fair point harry

Probably comes from his Young Fine Gael debating style.

Nah. Timā€™s posting style has never struck me as youngā€¦

Iā€™ve never assumed he was young. He strikes me as a mid to late 40s chap who just posts like a Young Fine Gaeler.

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Iā€™d have Tim down as late 50ā€™s

cc @Tim_Riggins

Have you had your boosters bro?

ā€œIf weā€™d known 6 months ago what we know today, we wouldnā€™t have vaccinated the childrenā€

Plenty of people telling ye but ye wouldnā€™t fucking listen.

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Fair enough. I withdraw the remark. Being obnoxious to the obnoxious, however stupid, is no great feat.

I know, though, what this statement was intended to mean: ā€œYeah good one. Old men who obsess with strangers children normally end up on a list and the next step is often prison.ā€

And so does everyone else, Covid lobotomy or no Covid lobotomy.

Wasnā€™t one of your biggest meltdowns the time you tried to imply something similar towards Esteban?

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Jaysus @Malarkey . Thatā€™s about as gracious as offering a dry hump instead

Ah I donā€™t need an apology. My original reply to him didnā€™t mention it, I was sticking 100% on topic but someone else pointed it out and then Malarkey claimed that he had been called a paedo.

His debating style has declined and he canā€™t stick with a topic so devolves to his base instincts. It must be the Long Covid.

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