You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Another beauty hereā€¦This fella thinks heā€™s Gary Kasparov.

Going to doxx you now


Guys make sure to PM @Bandage with your addresses so he knows where to forward the solicitorsā€™ letters on to

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Yes, you did, in collusion with your e-buddy Horsey.

And you invented having an eight year daughter to do so. Everyone here, bar your Covid-loving e-buddies, knows what this facet says about the character of you and the character of your buddy.

Which is exactly what I wanted.

I have never tracked or stalked or whatever any of your posts. As I have often said, I think you are a boring fuckwit with the mental age and maturity of a mediocre Blackrock College Leaving Cert. You are the one who takes it upon yourself to want attention from me. Only you know why.

But you are also an immensely predictable fuckwit, as you amply proved.

Rubbish. I made clear the semantic weight of what I said.

But clearly the penny is dropping for this poisonous clown about the implications of someone being publicly accused of paedophilia, with the aggravating factor of a fictitious child being invented to facilitate the accusation.

If there are to be apologies, a public apology to me should be first on the list.

What ye all make of the new megadeth song?


Comedy gold this thread is.

I will sign off on this topic with a summary:

a We now know there are at least two TFK contributors who are prepared to invent a fictitious child so as to facilitate a public accusation of paedophilia against a wholly innocent individual.

b There are quite a few contributors who approve of and condone those two people behaving in this fashion.

Glad that we have drawn a line in the sand


At least Im not a lazy useless dope like you

Do Do Do Do Dahā€¦.

No johnnys in love with the girl next door
Marys down at the record store
They donā€™t wannabe, round us no more.
Golden oldies but we hardly speak
To busy running to a different beat.
Hard to understand, we were once like that

A variation of I know you are but what am I except with a healthy dose of insecurity in there.

Weā€™ll be muzzled by Galway

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Is anyone even talking about this in the real world?

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People with Long Covid is about 3 per cent. Same percentage as unemployed people in a full employment economy.

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Eat drink and be merry lads. JP has the right idea, out of Ireland during the bad auld months.