You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Is this a lot the COVID thread?or the seething ill show ye ā€˜im not a pedoā€™,nasty spud head thread?

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Is this the covid thread anymore? Covid is done. Its a cod

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Your ā€œrecollectionā€ā€¦ You are some god help us, really and truly.

And a condoner and an enabler of two creeps who made up an eight year old girl to accuse someone on the Internet of paedophilia.

Your parents would be proud of you.

I thought this was the My friend in Crokes thread?


It was the Covid thread. I responded to a Malarkey post about Covid in an on topic manner. In response he said that he wanted to impregnate my daughter. He didnā€™t know her age but went apeshit when someone said it wasnā€™t the best idea to talk like that and claimed he was being called a paedo. He also told off lads for allowing their children to play hockey and hang out with Protestants.

Thereā€™s a lot going on with him.


No, Malarkey is showing all the symptoms of long Covid.

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Sure thread names dont matter deive i to any topic you want.

Limerick chippers, havent got a golden grill in a while

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No, I emphatically did not. But that reality did not stop you inventing ā€“ as I knew you would ā€“ a daughter, so as to accuse me of paedophilia.

I said, paraphrased: ā€˜The only way a stupid personā€™s genetic line can be improved is by their offspring having a child with an intelligent person.ā€™

Which is true.

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Well, I am certainly demonstrating high intelligence.

You have been stitched up for the gormless toxic simpleton you are.


Thatā€™s something a Nazi might say.

Isnā€™t everything something a nazi might say?


I didnā€™t accuse you of paedophillia.

The record shows that my original response to your off topic abusive post to me where you suggested impregnating my daughter was the below. I tried to bring it back on topic after your bizarro statement.

Someone else said that it wasnā€™t the best idea to talk like that as you could well end up before the courts. There are a number of criminal offences that this kind of talk could lead you to.

I said that Iā€™d assumed you didnā€™t know her age and that she was 8 but that I had ignored it was I just thought you were just being weird. Whether it was a juvenile or adult daughter, people who talk like that are either children or not socially adjusted adults. The fact that you are the type of person who was stalking my posts building a dossier on my character before ever engaging me does worry me though that if I ever did talk about my children that you would might have recorded it.

Iā€™m up in Glenalbyn this morning. Itā€™s funny whoā€™d know who. I showed a certain somebody the screen shots below. They know yer man and will make a few enquiriesā€¦ā€¦.

The last line of the screenshot below could be viewed as a threat of sexual assault/rape. Iā€™d hope heā€™ll reflect on it and apologise and hope nobody brings the matter any further.

We were the rock n roll kids
Rock n roll was all we did
Listenin to those songs on the radio
I was yours and you were mine
That was once upon a time
How I wish we could have
Those rock n roll days again

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denzel washington cringe GIF

Jesus lads :flushed:
Not feeling the love at all here atm!
Chilll children plsssšŸ˜Š

You dope

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Up Drumshanboā€¦.

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Iā€™m neither his mate nor anything to do with Crokes. I do possess a set of shades though so you have me rightly figured out alright. How was your night drinking finer wines than any of us could imagine with people you consider your intellectual equals?