You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You have the Mancs hopping.

When you’re bothering mild mannered sorts like @Juhniallio, you know you’ve done some good INTERNETTING

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Colm Henry on the six one lying through his teeth to stoke up fear.

  1. New varient (factually correct)
  2. Causing increase in hospitalisations (we know how the data is gathered that it is most likely people catching in hospital)
  3. Vaccines prevent covid (ah here we know vaccines were as useful as nuns tots for anyone who has an immune system)
  4. Mask work (another Cod)

All this after a report on the vaginal mesh to which the hse isnt supporting victims, allowing them go abroad for treatment or seek damages off the manufacturer J&J, who have paid on clas action lawsuits in the states. Cc watch the documentary the bleeding edge. All this on the recommendation of the unnamed CMO in 2018


Are you still watching 6.01!!!

MIL had it on. No choice really

We’ll see

Masks for an auld sore throat, fire out a few free boxes of strepsils.

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You should send him an email

It’s more or less confirmed that we’ll have restrictions come autumn.


More or less

Booster and vaccinate the vulnerable & elderly. Try and keep people from getting seriously ill and taking up hospital beds or worse mortuary spaces.

It’s not rocket science

I have not heard a single person in real life talk about this latest spike


I’m hearing of plenty of primary children off school again with it past two weeks

Sure isnt that what people did before covid with someone that was suffering from an immunocomprised condition

They wont be back in school until September. Rumours are that plenty of these were spotted in dublin airport. We need to shut the island

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Tis fairly widespread again where I am. My wife and one of the kids has it. As sick as they were first time around. Just keep the head down for a week and drive on. I went to the dentist yday and they asked me was I a close contact of anyone, an approach I thought was gone out with the wind, and the sent me home when I told them my situation

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One clown at work took it upon himself to mandate masks on the Ukrainian bus from the airport to city west. When I called him on it he muttered something about the new variant. I pressed him again and asked who decided this he revealed that “well (he) had been reading about it and decided himself” and then passed some snide remark to the tune of “if they want asylum they’ll wear one” (on the bus he himself wont be on, having just flown over on a plane together, sat in a crowded hall together and interacted with this gimp all without masks).

I reminded him that’s not how asylum worked. This fucker is a lower grade than me and did not have a mask on at any stage today.


Everyone in Clare and Limerick is taking about it, the Munster final was a super spreader event, lot of careless carry out of people

The clare folk have worse to worry about

The gas thing about the Ukrainians is they’ve one of the lowest vaccination rates in europe. If not the lowest.

They were dead right too.