You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Iā€™m seething at the Sinus cunting issues Iā€™ve had now since Covid Infection no 2.

Any remedies, bro?

The ā€˜NZ didnā€™t kill enough elderly to prove me right on the internetā€™ crew are still at it. Japanese soldier like stubbornness.

Sorry. Someone did post a suitable fix a few years agoā€¦infusing something like menthol crystals? Might have been @KinvarasPassion ?

Heal your gut bro. The root cause of sinus issues lie deep in the gut.

Got the booster there this morning.


Would you note have waited for the Omicron one?

Iā€™ll get that next.


do you something palā€¦ fuck it
i got covid for the third (3rd) time there after a major soccer tournament played in kells that went on in 29 degree heat - well that and flying to marbella the next day
anyway - we do the antigen - covid - grand , ignored it , business as usual
but by fuck had i a cruel sinus infection - sweet jesus - 10 days amoxillian
now ive had brutal sinus issues and have had four ( 4) sinus surgueris , last in 2016 tho so ive been in the clear but this this covid rev3 goes after sinues
the covid itself was nothing - i got sick one morning and had a bif of a fever but the sinus infection was box office

wash them to fuck with neilmed
but once an infection digs in tho need heavy artillery like steroids really

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Pissed through the Covid itself.

Friend of the missus had tinnitus after Covid so went to see a Consultant ( private consult ).
Consultant said they were making a fortune over consults with sinus issues after Covid.

Think I have Hayfever issues now too & never had these issues before


Great to see them doing well

Excellent thread. The corrupt fraud that was the ā€œGreat Barrington Declarationā€ was the Covid equivalent of fossil fuel funded climate crisis denial.

The Great Barrington Declaration was originally written and signed by Martin Kulldorff, a biostatistician, Sunetra Gupta, a professor of theoretical epidemiology, and Jay Bhattacharya, a medical economist.

Not a single one of them with any patient experience.

The Great Barrington Declaration was coordinated and funded by the American Institute for Economic Research, a libertarian ā€œthink tankā€ whose headquarters are located in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.

The GBD was based around a ā€œherd immunityā€ strategy, which was practically impossible with a highly transmissible and rapidly mutating respiratory virus like COVID, and was considered dangerous and unethical by respected scientists and actual physicians.

Researchers Blast ā€˜Dangerousā€™ COVID-19 Herd Immunity Strategyā€™Practically impossible and highly unethical,ā€™ group argues

At the time the GBD was written, we did not yet have vaccines and therefore the Declaration argued for focused ā€œnatural herd immunityā€ which effectively meant allowing people to become infected to develop immunity, with what would have been devastating consequences.

So if the GBD was widely blasted by respected scientists and clinicians with actual patient responsibilities and who had seen the harms of COVID first-hand, what was the real role of the Declaration?

The short answer: economics.

Letā€™s explore?

As @GYamey pointed out, there are billions of dark money dollars behind these economics over public health positions, including with one of the authors, Sunetra Gupta, who received almost Ā£90,000 from the conservative George and Emily von Opel Foundation.

Covid-19 and the new merchants of doubt - The BMJHow best can scientists push back against science denialist campaigns? David Gorski and Gavin Yamey suggest some evidence based strategies On 9 April 2021, Open Democracy reported that Oxford Universiā€¦

The Editorial Director for AIER at that time was Jeffrey Tucker, a libertarian writer and speaker and crypto evangelist, with roots in Austrian economics.

He has since gone on to create the Brownstone Institute, a libertarian influence peddling outlet.

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER Editorial DirectorI am thrilled to announce that Jeffrey Tucker, writer and digital professional with a legendary international reputation, has joined the American Institute for Economic Research. He will serve as Editā€¦

What does Austrian economics, or the Austrian school of economics, mean?

Well, libertarianism summed up in economic theory:
a heterodox school of economic thought that advocates strict individualism and the freedom of markets.

While looking for a succinct summary definition of Austrian economics, I came across one of Jeffrey Tuckerā€™s former outlets, the Mises Institute.

**What is Austrian Economics?**The story of the Austrian School begins in the fifteenth century, when the followers of St.

The ā€œAboutā€ section of the Brownstone Institute website describes the outlet as the ā€œspiritual childā€ of the Great Barrington Declaration, and all of the original authors and signers of the Declaration are ā€œsenior scholarsā€ or authors.

About Brownstone Institute ā‹† Brownstone InstituteBrownstone celebrates democratic institutions, freedom as the path to progress, trustworthy public health, a vibrant culture, and economic prosperity

Though this goes much deeper than just AIER or these three non-doctors. The spider web is extensive and the depths of the dark money funding more extensive.Image

There are deep ties to oil money and the Koch network.

This piece exceptionally lays out the case of how this network hijacked the narrative and the war on COVID.

How The Koch Network Hijacked The War On COVIDAs Omicron surges, a shadowy institute filled with fringe doctors appears to be part of big businessā€™ two-year strategy to legitimize attacks on pandemic interventions.

I also wrote about the issues with the issues with funding and misinformation on an institutional level and grant funding level here:

COVID Contrarians and the Influence of Funding in MedicineConservative billionaire and GOP mega-donor William Oberndorf has donated over $25 million to UC San Francisco (UCSF) and is a Lifetimeā€¦

Included in that discussion is the libertarian Arnold Ventures LLC and someone else on that spiderweb chart above as an author for the Brownstone institute as well as the Urgency of Normal project to push for opening schools without mitigation measures.

Vinay Prasad, Author at Brownstone Institute

I was wondering what happened me

Still enjoy seeing these lads

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A true hero

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More Covid in the house today. A proper pain in the hole (not literally)ā€¦

You canā€™t get covid if you donā€™t test


Why is he travelling if he feels that strongly? What a gimp.