You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I wonder will a proper independent review of the whole thing ever be done? That rights and wrongs or benefits/drawbacks of the lockdown and restrictions and all the different parts of it. I suppose would be very hard to find someone who’s not biased one way or the other.

Men can have vaginas too. Sigh.

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Mad that there’s still families out there thinking like this


The responses in that surely cant be from real accounts/people.

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She should have gotten her booster

We have lunatics like that on TFK.


I hope her kids got to go to the disco at least.

Everyone has covid again these days, gone very fashionable

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Oooooft, pick Joan up off the floor.


Jaysus, thats a headshot.

The country is full of headcases like her.

I wouldnt say full, but they are still out there. Social Media just gives them airtime they never had. The price of living in a free society. Putin would have her shot.

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I rarely encountered really strict people like that during the height of covid let alone now. Its real Japanese soldier stuff.

There’s lads on here quietly seething and resolving to boost the bejaysus out of themselves regardless.
You literally couldn’t make it up.

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we are due another wave soon lads and all the covid headcases will be shouting for masks and lockdowns

Rakes of them on here sure. We still have lads telling us there should never have been lockdowns and that we should have had zero covid. Diametretically opposed and both wrong, sure you couldn’t make it up.

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Thinking that ventilation would have stopped Covid in a teenage disco.

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Bounce


The free thinkers are getting outraged again. Didn’t take much to trigger them.

Or thrown out of a hospital window…. ( irony alert )