You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

He is talking about the bells palsy video

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I am. For the same reason some people think they have long covid when its probably completely unrelated. People just conflate things.

I’m sure some people are suffering from long covid btw. Just nowhere near the amount of people who think they are

I don’t give a bollix

Long covid has been known to cause apathy


Florida now recommending that men aged 18-39 do not get an mRNA vaccine.


Joseph Ladapo is the guy from that MAGA con artist group “America’s Frontline Doctors”, isn’t he? An absolute headbanger.

America is truly screwed with people like him being appointed to prominent public positions by headbangers like Ron Death Sentence.

Rachel Maddow did a great exposĂŠ of Ladapo last year. Ladapo is a shameless far right propagandist and a fraud.

The awkward squad were right

Jesus… That’s shocking. @The_Most_Infamous was right from day 1.


Fixed that for ya

In fairness to the covid ideologues you’re unlikely to die of a heart attack between the ages of 18 and 39…so the fact that the vaccine doubles the risk is no biggy. Are denmark just ruling out vaccines for under 50s…or is it juat the boosters they’re worried about?

Maybe this is more sobering news, especially for the lads yet to be weaned.

So his study is wrong?

I’m in the age group in question. Should I continue to get booster after booster after booster?

Given he’s a proven quack it’s fairly safe to assume anything he pushes is quackery.

So you haven’t looked at it?

I don’t see why you wouldn’t if that’s what the public health authorities in Ireland advise. Unlike Mr. Ladapo, the public health authorities in Ireland are not quacks. If I’m offered a booster this year I’ll definitely be getting it.

I don’t tend to bother looking at “studies” pushed by proven quacks, in the same way I don’t take seriously anything Sergei Lavrov or @Thomas_Brady say.

Did you look at Rachel Maddow’s expose of Ladapo?

You really should.

Have you been offered one?

Was offered one last year and declined

What are you whinging about so?

This took about 10 seconds @Batigol.

I wasn’t whinging about anything