You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

My understanding is twitter took it down then put it back up.

Lads, relax. Its done.

Your sense of reality is with your retina, detached.

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Should I continue to get boosters (after booster after booster etc) when Iā€™ve already decided Iā€™m not getting one? Sounds like a whinge. Move on with your life, nobody particularly gives a fuck whether you do or donā€™t


And more shame on them if they did allow it stand.

Ladapo is an anti-science quack and a far right MAGA cultist. Nothing he or De Santis say should ever be trusted. Their entire modus operandi, like that of Putin, is to create an entirely choreographed world of fantasy in order that they have power and wealth and impunity. Thatā€™s the long and short of it.

You could have ignored the post mate

Itā€™s all over mate. Itā€™s bananas that lads are still dug in posting links to some mental in some basket case country. And then ye all argue over it again. Absolutely bananas altogether.

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Masks look they could be on the way back though. I just read about 20 twitter comments rehashing all the exact same arguments on both sides. I wonā€™t be doing that again. Neither side has even given one single cm :weary::weary:

I caught one minute of the news earlier and Paul Murphy was droning on about N95 masks again. Couldnā€™t switch it off quick enough.

I wonā€™t lie but saying Iā€™ve tested positive for covid is a fierce handy excuse of getting out of attending things you donā€™t want to be at.

Itā€™s unreal. You donā€™t even have to put on a sick voice on the phone or go near a doctor for a cert.

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Youā€™d forget about them. I was in hospital this morning and i was halfway up the ward when i twigged Iā€™d no mask onā€¦ I hadnā€™t had to cause to wear one in over 6 months at leastā€¦ Letā€™s hope they stay consigned to a few settings.

Sure your man that used the other ladā€™s head for a football up in Letterkenny recently used Covid as the excuse why he didnā€™t sign in at the Guard station for 6 weeks.

Bullet point: masks, clear, evidence based communication, vaccines and boosters work.

Are there still people claiming vaccines donā€™t work?

Theyā€™re edgy and punk.

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Are the long term useless still getting long Covid ?

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In abundance.


Itā€™s now apparently edgy and punk to ridicule people with long term debilitating illness.

didnā€™t you insult a cancer victim?

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