You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The super duper, highly transmissible variant, Pat Kenny Kenny is getting hard, early Christmas present for Claire Byrne and RTE

Paddy wouldnā€™t work to warm himself

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Pat needs to start paying his staff a bit more.

But scientists in South Africa said patients infected with the variant are young and have mild symptoms

Is the fact that only mild symptoms have been seen due to the fact that most of the patients are actually young?

Will that hold up when older people start to get it?

Lets infect a few of the fuckers and find out.

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This variant only infects younger people that go to clubs and pubs

Love the new avatar!


Yeah, had it years ago when I visited Zakapone. Itā€™s great in a ham toastie.

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I think Pat pays good wages tbf,something like 13/14 an hour

I can understand small operations complaining about the PUP but Pat should be in a position to offer enough to encourage people to quit PUP and go back to work.

You think private businesses should make their wages competitive with free money? Whatā€™s the logic there?


How much extra would you need to pay somebody to work rather than lie in/under the bed?

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I heard it all now

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Itā€™s now up to private businesses to encourage lads to work rather than live off their tax paying neighbours.

Iā€™ve heard it all now.


How much would you need to pay @mikehunt to come out from under his bed?

We wants Supermac Pat to negotiate with him.

Mentallers want to bring back slavery now.

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My God.

Itā€™s only mugs working these days