You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite



Prof Karl>Dr Carl

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Iā€™ve the sound down but Scare Byrne appears to be holding up a virus there as an advert for her show coming up.


2 years left Iā€™m afraidā€¦ā€¦

Thatā€™s a bauble from your Christmas tree you are staring into pal. Itā€™s not actually a crystal ball.

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Thatā€™s the cutting edge wit that got you a place in genius camp


I knew that story would rattle lads like yourself.

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It actually all makes sense now

Will we be forced into putting masks on 9 year olds come Wednesday lads or will it be a choice? Itā€™s a big change given 99.9pc of them have never worn them before at any stage in any setting. Would the normal ones even fit them?

Youā€™d hope thereā€™ll be a handful of teachers whoā€™ll have the decency to make a stand against this, some of them will do so quietlyI suppose ā€¦in the knowledgethat some parents will make a fuss and that the unions will abandonthem.

Your excellent question about masks even fitting says it all really. This new intervention has absolutely nothing to do with them fitting or being in any way effective. A conspiracy theorist might say its about conditioning children and removing their individuality. But itā€™s nine of these things, itā€™s just a pathetic flag for pathetic politicians and experts to wave at apathetic public. Itā€™s one more wrong heaped on top of a pile of others.

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id imagine some parents will send their kids in with them, most wont, nobody will make too much of a fuss id say

That would be fine but at secondary level in most schools itā€™s a hard and fast rule. Itā€™s a must wear rather than a recommendation to wear. Iā€™m just hoping itā€™s the latter.

What happens with children in a class with a mix of 8 and 9 year olds? Will the teacher have to check their birth certs?

Another ridiculously thought up rule from the same guys who ignored year of birth for registering for vaccination.

Choice Iā€™d say but you know how it worksā€¦

Kids donā€™t like to be different and so the novelty of it could trigger a large number at the start and then it could slowly become the norm. All you can do it explain the concept of choice and free will and attempt to explain why experts are supporting this nonsense. There are kids with hearing difficulties who will really struggle in this environmentā€¦ Often relying on lip movement of their class mates.


Over here the kids have to wear them in school in common areas but not in the classroom.

Picked up a few bits from my local Polish store yesterday. The chocolate didnā€™t make the pic.

Do you like the goats cheese?

Paddy is obsessed with the mainland.

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Any time I hear the name of the new variant I automatically think of this lad :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: