You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

They were probably tricked into sending them via a scam email.

“Good afternoon sirs, this is the vaccination facility in Limerick, Ireland. We are low on stocks at our facility. Please send us half a million doses most immediately to the Limerick Vaccination Centre, Lagos, Nigeria”.


So you’re anti Amazon but pro Apple?

That’s been the prerogative of Ireland and the EU unfortunately. The right wing capitalists in America were open to it, oddly enough. I agree of course that the IP should have been shared.

In any event, I don’t think this is so much the main issue at this stage. It will be capacity to fire out shots and people accepting them that will be the biggest barriers to vaccination in poorer countries from here on in.

In addition, you can probably expect that take up across developing countries will be a lot lower than Europe. Which in turn is a lot lower than Ireland.

He was all three if them though

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It’s amazing that two years into this you have stuff like this still. What does he not get about limiting onward transmission being important? Saying no child has died in Ireland is also disingenuous, that doesn’t mean that no child could die, or that it’s no threat to children. It’s fairly dispiriting to see stuff like this that shows such a failure to grasp basics at this stage.

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How many children die from flu each year, yet it’s seen as very important they get the flu vaccine. It’s one thing that is a major contradiction in the vaccination policy so far, and I know it’s been limited by vaccine authorisations.


The narrative of the right wing capitalists is “we shouldn’t care about Africa not getting vaccines because they won’t want them anyway.”

Seems a bit racist to me.

In the same breath they say “we shouldn’t have boosters here because Africa needs them.”

Seems to me that’s a bit like, oh, a red herring of lying propaganda to mask their real aim of letting Covid rip on unvaccinated or not vaccinated enough populations everywhere, just for the hell of it.

If the likes of David Quinn actually wanted to save lives they’d be calling for IP to be shared and vaccines to be produced throughout the world.

But they don’t give one single fuck about saving lives.

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The flu deniers don’t like to own up to the fact they never spoke out against flu when it killed every winter and overwhelmed the health service.


Dullards lap up that kind of shite.

Why did flu deniers like @farmerinthecity not get outraged over the Winter flu season in 17/18.

Was it because RTE had not whipped his fickle mind up into a frenzy?

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I’m off to Rome next week. Looks like PCR/antigen there and back.

It’s antigen back into Ireland? It’s way cheaper btw.

Yes. Not confirmed yet but that is the report.

If you’re vaccinated you only need the vaccine cert to get back in.

Unless you use the egates…

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Not from Friday.

He’s a hungry cunt

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Great :roll_eyes:

My trip back for the Munster club is looking doubtful