You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

And round and round we go

You’re coming from somewhere “foreign” therefore you are unclean and you are the problem. If we let you travel to the county final you could “undo all OUR good work”.

Not true.I’m reliably informed that this photo was taken no more than 18 months ago.

Seems happy. You sure it’s him?


Its unlikely he was/is @backinatracksuit

I’d say they’re delighted to back out from the EU rules

Speaking to MEPs, Ms Cooke referred to Ireland as an indicator of the protection offered by vaccination.

“From my own country, Ireland, where vaccination rates are among the highest in Europe at 93% of the adult population, the deaths per 1,000,000 population over the last 14 days were 15,” said Ms Cooke.

"In two other European countries with vaccination rates of less than 50% the equivalent death rates were over 250 per 1,000,000 of the population.

Do the maths and follow the data, vaccines save lives.


Nolan’s models holding up as good as usual


The earlier closing times are working :clap:

Its ridiculous to think people are lazy for working for a hit pay. Maybe Pat et Al should offer decent wages full stop covid or no covid

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Idiocy being lapped up & regurgitated by Idiots.

I think the same lads was posting up the ramblings of Peader’s mental sister too recently.

The Village Idiot speaks.

Can you highlights how your Queen is fighting the current uptick in cases on the Mainland pls.

Some good news.


I suppose it wouldn’t take long for The Village Idiot to resort to snidey partitionist comments. You really are a live example of the predictability and limitations of stupidity.

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I post this without any sense of glee. This was an unvaccinated, supremely fit 42 year old (I’d guess his 5k time would satisy most of the anti-vaxx facists on here) without underlying conditions who died from Covid.
It is reported here that it is suspected that genetics also plays a part

" People with variants on the chromosome 3 region alone were [up to twice as likely] to develop severe Covid as someone without that genetic mutation. Chromosome 3 mutations are carried in about 10% of people of European ancestry, meaning that such people have a 10% chance of being twice as susceptible to severe Covid infection."


And what about those who died from the vaccine?

Do they not matter?

The Zero Zealots will not like that.


Old news, the Guardian have ran that story to death.