You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Egg Donnelly said the reason was to keep the childers safe on the tele last. Didnā€™t mention granny and grandad at all.

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Iā€™d imagine from word on the street locally that current recorded daily numbers of infections is way off.

Every second cunt Iā€™ve spoken to in past fortnight has either being down with or after recovering from Covid.

Iā€™ve never tested positive but Iā€™d imagine itā€™s fairly impossible Iā€™ve avoided it although Iā€™ve been as careful as possible tbf

Iā€™m loathe to defend this cowardly absolute shit show of a government but I think the ventilation thing gets bandied about a bit too loosely. What are we talking about here? Retrofitting every public building in the country with improved ventilation? Who would do this work considering the already massive skills shortage that exists in the country? How long would such a programme take? A couple of years? More? It would be an absolutely massive undertaking both financially and logistically and weā€™re not exactly flush with resources financially and manpower wise.


Lads like this get the government they deserve.

Just open the windows. Itā€™s Ireland FFS

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By all accounts thatā€™s whatā€™s happening in a lot of schools and third level. Grand enough in September and maybe April and May but cold enough the rest of the year :grinning:

Weā€™ll, Do the assessment and the costing and at least explore it and drop it if costings donā€™t add upā€¦

Do remember that controlled ventilation with heat recovery is a key part of meeting our climate action targets without even mentioning the merits of air quality.


Myself and @Fagan_ODowd grew up in houses with no heat except the range. Never did us any harm


ā‚¬145 per square foot on a sliding scale capped at 200k

Great point.

I think someone knows that itā€™s pointless. Probability is that by time work would be finished ( maybe even started knowing this country ) that this pandemic could be waning anyway.

Iā€™d agree with you that they should certainly explore it but I just donā€™t see where the resources would be to carry out the work. They donā€™t seem to be doing risk assessments or cost benefit analysis for anything else so no surprise theyā€™re not doing for this either.

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Doors & windows openā€¦ā€¦

Teachers emailing parents telling them to put extra layers of clothing on the child.

I think we need to be aspiring to more than schooling children in hedge schools, pal. Weā€™ve moved on from that.

I went to Gonzaga mate


Iā€™d imagine thatā€™s a big part of the thinking alright, that it would take so long to complete and be so expensive that theyā€™re afraid weā€™ll be out the other side by the time itā€™s done that the costs outweigh the benefit.

Is it overblown? You think itā€™s perfectly acceptable to foist this nonsense onto children? Tracksuit agrees itā€™s nonsense, fagan acknowledges parents are feeling terribleā€¦?

Every coat in the house on the bed in winter.

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Never get a cold thank God.

Surely Pfizer and the Moderna lads can re-arrange the 4th jab to keep kids warm outside. It might take 100 days but it would be worth it.

Environmentally friendly too.