You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I deleted the post and replaced it with emojis to try and wind you up. It worked I seeā€¦.

Heā€™s rattled the shite out of your cage :joy:

You spent your lunchtime today thinking and posting about my posts last night.

Rent free, kid.

Your obsession continues youā€™re like one of @backinatracksuit students with the mask down now.

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Some lads arenā€™t cut out for the drink

Mate, if you believe that you are in fact the ā€œ sad cunt ā€œ

Two lads are dancing.

Not a clue. Just saw that one tweet and thought it pertinent.

I think itā€™s only a matter if time. Sick of the whole thing at this stage


Ah shur. Weā€™re not virologists now are we

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I wonder will vvd look to get a sly dig at Pickford tonight

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Heā€™d be entitled to. Itā€™ll be the Roy Keane test

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I somehow get the impression that virgil would be just a tad more subtle

I think ā€“ entirely from a laymanā€™s perspective ā€“ there is a thin enough case for vaccinating (most) children in primary school. Do I not recall reading that there is a big difference between the metabolism of pre pupertal children and purpetal/post pupertal children? There needs to be a lot more research on the relation between metabolism and transmissibility.

I cannot see how children outside primary school need to be vaccinated. Creches, where applicable, are a much smaller environment.

Besides, testing and ventilation (and whatever other resources) need to be dovetailed because we cannot refuse, in my view, to educate unvaccinated children. They have a constitutional right to be educated at primary and secondary levels.

This Nano X technology will surely become more and more important in all contexts.

Iā€™ve rarely seen such a mix of seethe and rattledness on here.

I hope he ends the cunt

And thatā€™s only the posts that donā€™t get deleted.


Thereā€™s a few fellas here only hanging on by a thread

Itā€™s a forum. Itā€™s not a paper of historical record.

He was satirising that type of overblown chat though :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Itā€™s bizarre tbh. Heā€™s attacking a chap who said sfa to bring it on.