You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I wonder how big is the Venn diagram intersection between those who are dead against masks in schools and those who would like to bring back corporal punishment in schools.

Pretty big, Iā€™d say.

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Thereā€™s a lot of the media and lads who are unpopular/poor social lives/weirdo who are hoping for a lockdown.

The other 90% want to this thing to end.


You and at least half this forum are firmly in the 10%.

The existence of which is really shit for normal people.

wear a mask to protect fully vaccinated adults and dont play with your friends

vaccines work, we are deadly with our 94%ā€¦but wear the fucking mask

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Like the 2019 all ireland final big hype, high numbers but no bite. The public will walk over this like tipp did to kk.

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Good to see you are so certain of Tipp getting their all Ireland this decade.

What are you on about?


Hospital numbers are down. Beyond me how they want more restrictions.

Work out what you are on about before you ask questions of anybody else.

Because you do not know.

Having brain cells?

Is there a way to block someoneā€™s posts on this thing?

A positive test came back this evening. Went out for pints on Sat with a few. We all had clear antigens beforehand and took one on Sunday and it was clear. On Monday night one of the lads had a positive antigen and I had one on Tuesday morning. Feel fine at the minute with only a couple of hours of chills/sweats yesterday evening. The biggest hassle is entertaining the mini Poxs in the house. Hopefully it will be the most of our problems.


Boosters are coming. I predicted full lockdown on 12th December but with hospital numbers unexpectedly down thereā€™s a chance it could be avoided. A lot of those case numbers seem to be school kids and they donā€™t really matter a fuck for hospital capacity, or at least not until they infect the grandparents, which hasnā€™t happened yet and which further lockdown of hospitality wonā€™t prevent.

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Youā€™re dead. The kids will get it, theyā€™ll infect every oap and nurse in the parish.

My classic typos. Wait till the cark variant. Peter casey will dance around it and itā€™ll be over at ht

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Donā€™t go to the trouble getting in any fancy foods, the loss of taste means you can do a few days of eating any shite

I should also say, it wouldnā€™t be the first time that NPHET fail to take account for vaccinations in their predicted infection rates.

Best of luck with it mate. Weā€™ll all have to do the dance at some stage. Hopefully itā€™s painless for you all

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Once your ready to rock and roll for Road Hurling on the 26th, youā€™ll be grand. :hammer:


Best of luck @Fat_Pox , hopefully yeā€™ll be the finest.

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