You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

What ‘further restrictions’ of the hospitality sector can NPHET recommend other than shutting them down?

After what happened last year Holohan is holding all the aces now. ‘If we don’t reduce transmission of the virus we face a repeat of 12 months ago and the health service being overwhelmed etc etc.’ Let Joe Duffy do the rest and back in glorified lockdown.

Very little mention of the R rate these days.


No real mention of ‘saving lives’ anymore either.

I don’t know what we are at to be honest.


It’s hard to know. We are focusing on 5 year olds who it doesn’t effect to save the lives of 85 year olds who are after 3 vaccines and are isolating due to shit on RTE.

In other countries life goes on fairly normally.


Great news.

Surely the Archbishop has a few trick cards hidden up his sleeve?

Highest vaccine uptake in the world and where has it got us?

Masking 9 year old children. I’m vaccinated and got the booster but this will never end. There will always be another group to blame, another booster, another imminent new and deadly variant.

Martin has been the worst possible Taoiseach at the worst possible time. Ditto the Minister for Health. Happy to hide behind Holohan and not offer any critique of their failed modelling or policies.


@iron_mike please post a Nail on the head gif here

100% @dodgy_keeper

Its not going to end at 3 jabs either. Omicron is a bit of a saving grace for the uselessness of the two jabs as well. Clearly breakthrough cases are everywhere. Very handy timing as we come into the real nuts and bolts of the respitory illness season in terms of deaths that occur every year in Jan-Feb-March

Pfizer share price up 6% last Friday. It is unreal.


So much Science


The virus knows if you’re an asylum seeker

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That lad is good for a small bit of fact based positivity

Life isn’t normal here currently?

Heavy flu and loss of taste? Christ, this sounds horrific…

It wasn’t much different when Leo was in… He got bold when Mick took over only, be interesting to see if he can maintain that when he gets back into office… When is that by the way?


Let it rip, the shortcut to the new normal

Telling porkies about kids nearly dying of Covid is fucking low.

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@farmerinthecity is a big flu deniers so he probably would disagree with. The Doxxer and @mikehunt are two other flu deniers.

Now that’s an ooofty that perfectly encapsulates Tracksuit.

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The important thing is that there’s no harm at all in the oul masks but its great to see how resilient our kids are all the same. What they’re resilient against is unclear.


I also had an imaginary conversation with my imaginary wife about my imaginary child.

I now feel the need to share it on an internet forum.