You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I would rather die on the side of the road than go into the regional.

Disease ridden jokeshop.

The number of people that went in there and caught covid and died from it is unreal.


And the gaysā€¦ The new aids mutation is the worst one yet.

Somebody else is feeding them and putting the fag in the mouth are they?

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South Africa cases:

November 16: 275

November 17: 569

November 18: 589

November 19: 794

November 20: 892

November 21: 691

November 22: 314

November 23: 868

November 24: 1275

November 25: 2465

November 26: 2828

November 27: 3220

November 28: 2858

November 29: 2273

November 30: 4373

December 1: 8561

December 2: 11535

Deluded notions about ā€œfreedomā€ are soon going to seem very quaint indeed.

Last time I was there I had to walk out to the main road with no shoes and puke stained clothes ā€¦ At 9am.


shush youā€¦that POV is way too logical for this thread to survive
its almost impossible to get 94% of a population to do anything, the number is similar Vladimir Putinā€™s approval ratingsā€¦so with 94% vaccinated , we are now seeing similar restrictions to 0% with added bonus of putting masks on kids to protect vaccinated peopleā€¦
Stop me where im missing something nowā€¦are the current restrictions to protect the vulnerable once again who im assuming are all x3 jabbed by now ? or is this a national effort to protect the 6% of people who dont have a vaccine?.. or and most likely has the vaccine been or is in the proces as been written off as something that dosent provide any protection?


The ā€œUnvaccinated Levyā€ could work like USC, it could be deducted from pay cheques after PRSI. Like USC it will be temporary forever. I propose a starting rate of 30%.

I want the opinion of the forumā€™s real intellectuals on this proposal, @mikehunt , @glasagusban . @mickee321 @Bandage @Malarkey @myboyblue . Not @Tierneevin1979

Been busy this evening. 300 unread posts. Have ye solved it yet

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I had a similar experience back in the day.

I was there with a mate who had three of his front teeth literally knocked out. I lost a shoe in the melee on cruises street. 20 years ago now.

Embarassing stuff.

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Seems fair. Can we arrange some sort of camps in which to put those who refuse to take it?


Mountjoy Prison

Great. I look forward to coming in at 4am Christmas morning after a quite 7pm Christmas eve pint. The mother giving out to me for making a sandwich with tomorrowā€™s dinner.

I just want a normal Christmas ruined by family. Is that much to ask for?


South Africaā€™s test positivity rate has gone from 1% on November 22nd to over 22% today.

It looks like we are about to be hit by a hurricane.


78 per cent of people hospitalised with Covid were obese

People are literally eating us into a lockdown.

Non vaxxed and fat.

Who else?

Fat people pay taxes on chocolate already.
It takes years to beat obesity, it takes a second to get vaccinated. Get with the programme.

That actually made me snigger - particularly when I realised you meant it seriously.


Itā€™s time for a lock down on fat ladā€™s fridges