You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The world of epidemiology’s loss truly has been TFK’s gain.

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My brother and I hammered into the Christmas ham one year after coming back from a quiet few pints, we were ate alive and it only got worse after I blamed the dogs. Absolutely worth it, twas lovely


Thanks very much, mate.

Oh you’re most welcome.

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A noble tradition

She claims that she’s awake when she’s at work but to be honest I’ve only her word to go on that :man_shrugging:


on a serious note, what are ye getting the Mrs for the Christmas
im usually a Dec21 man but this year im thinking of getting in the clear early doors
Thinking of heading to Banbridge next week, will i get something in that outlet?

Blaming the 6% unvaxxed for the spread… are the idiots here literally deaf and dumb? We could have 99.99% vaxxed and the virus would still spread as it is now. There would be less hospital admissions yes, but enough of a reduction that would satisfy no restrictions being introduced?

Of course not. The virus would still spread, there would still be people hospitalized and the focus would shift to who hasn’t received their ‘boosters’ yet. With the road we’ve gone down of not living with the relatively minimal risk of covid to most of the population, it’s a never ending shrieking contest of the same lidtf dopes constantly calling for revived restrictions as new variants emerge and infections increase. As @mickee321 said many times, 94% is an incredibly high uptake of a vaccine that provides minimal benefit to the majority of the population. I’m sure it has surpassed all government expectations even with Paddy’s notorious servile, bootlicking nature so to blame the 6% for we are is absurd.


Far worse than deaf and dumb, the halfwits, quarterwits, and eighthwits are having a field day.

There is no such thing as natural immunity, only the booster vaccine can save all of us now from certain death. The 99% of under 60s who get infected and have no or mild symptoms do not have natural immunity, the virus just didn’t like them. The immunity from vaccination lasts forever, the immunity from infection doesn’t exist. GET VACCINATED TO PROTECT THE VACCINATED! shrieks Chise (who works for Moderna). You might survive Covid seven times but the eighth infection could kill you. The Omega variant scheduled to arrive in 2030 will spread faster than measles, we need to lockdown now to stop it. Two weeks to stop the spread, two months to stop the spread, two years to stop the spread, two decades to stop the spread.

Biden announced the winter strategy today, new travel restrictions, free tests for all, boosters for all. “We have to be ready” for the Omnicunt variant he said. Five cases reported in NYC tonight. Just like Delta in summer the country is likely riddled already, it may well have started here, who the fuck knows. But we will track every case with a manic intensity, every cunt with a sniffle will be tested relentlessly. We must keep the variant out.

We have lost our minds.



Nailed it.

The bedwetters should just stay locked away from society if they are so scared of a mild respiratory virus.

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Indeed , a school closure would be far far worse, and we’ve had to put up with much worse and more damaging restrictions than this. It’s no consolation but it probably made you deep clever to say that.

It’s a strange turn of events to realise that it’s the lads who are AGAINST ABDOLUTELY EVERYTHING have our kids interest at heart most of all.

It is funny though, putting this as the zenith of restrictions, a fascinating level of contrarianism to reach

but it is a public health emergency! the hospitals will be overwhelmed!

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Silly. Sure didn’t we just agree that closures were worse? As for being against everything? You can’t even say what the point of masks actually is, yet you support them etc

I don’t ‘support’ it
I tolerate it, because it’s a very simple thing to do in the face of so much conflicting evidence and expert opinion, the majority of which seems to believe they have a benefit .
You lot complain about absolutely everything, this comes along and it’s the end of the world :rofl:
The poor kids.

cc @Batigol

No. I just pointed out that masking children is pointless, cruel for many and an illustration of the cowardice of parents and teachers. I also made the point that adults lauding the resilience etc of children were insincere and cynical.


You’ve made this about you, I wasn’t originally replying to you but you clearly support @mickee321’s post, otherwise why would you come steaming in with so many replies.

Of course I can’t get mplant myself into a child’s mind so I can’t say anything with certainty, what a crock of shit, perhaps we should allow cranky internet know it all’s to decide what the kids think and can easily tolerate.

Gas how I’m the ‘insincere’ one :grinning:

The lads all on well over 100 grand a year have told us Covid Santa is watching and knows when we are naughty or nice, the pesky pubs and restaurants again sure!


The pubs and restaurants that you need a vaccine pass to enter?!

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