You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Eh, this 5% are taking up 58% of ICU beds. If we didn’t have unvaccinated people our hospitals would have loads of space and we’d have no problems and no restrictions. Morons like you are the reason we have restrictions. You are choosing to inflict restrictions on everyone. Why should the rest of us have to put up with this?

Wage shamer.

You couldn’t make it up. The places you need a vaccine to enter are being closed/further restricted because you know, science.

It’s clear NPHET have lost confidence in the efficacy of the vaccine but have sat on their hands with regard to rolling out a booster programme so we will face into the height of seasonal respiratory illness seasons with a large part of the population not as well protected as they might have been.


Create a fuss then. In my situation the kid wants to wear the mask like all the other kids so that’s her decision and all you do is inform her that it’s optional, her choice… but it’s still no harm to put it on record with the school that you as a parent don’t consent to your kid wearing a mask.

A teacher in an another school pulling up a kid on it yesterday in front of everyone. The unmasked kids being made an example of now?

We are in the middle of an obesity epidemic but would you see a kid be singled out for bringing a chocolate bar to school?

Things have got silly. Loads of people know this is silly but only a few will make a fuss.


My reading of the situation is that the vaccines are working well at what we need most from them ie keeping people alive and not getting too sick (which is fantastic). However, they seem to be doing little to nothing to stop the spread of the virus. So the vaccine pass has become totally redundant

So what are they doing? Rolling it out to more places

Your a gas man. Portraying yourself as Mr. Pluralistic when all you are is a virtue signaller. A proper wolf in sheeps clothing. Wokism at it’s finest.


Lads writing full blown essays howling at the moon… And you can be sure they are compliant vaccine taking and mask wearers in real life :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


This case happened nearby to me so I’ve been seeing daily updates in my feed. Horrific. It was lovely to see his real mother with an emotional message from her prison cell where she resides for murdering her partner. The poor lad had no chance


South County Dublin has started the fight back on the mask wearing by kids.

Hopefully the rest of the country backs us now unlike in 1916.

What a bizarre and completely random rant

But thanks for not calling me a paedo this time :+1:

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Are you letting the school know you don’t agree with it? The only hope is for the likes of the National Parents Council to survey parents in January and if a big majority against it it might not last all year. Otherwise they mistake compliance for agreement and it lasts all year and maybe beyond.

They’ve got incredible stamina. If they ever do get Covid it won’t even take a fomp out of them.

Twitter now demonising the American Heart Foundation because they release a study which confirms the massive increase in heart problems due to MRNA vaccines.

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It will just be like a heavy flu.

How would you go about putting that on record?

As a teacher and a parent I’m unsure how you would go about that, are you just going to send an email or will you request a meeting?

I would like to put it on record here that I don’t support this, but I’m not arrogant enough to think I know better than the experts so I’ll roll with it, my own kids have no issue with mask wearing and the teachers I’ve heard about are being sensible in their interpretation


Twon’t even be that. These fella never let up. They could have gotten it by now and not even felt it. Long Covid wouldn’t a lay a glove on them.

You consistently go on about how inclusive you are and then use phrases such as ‘you lot’. For a lad that is promoting mask wearing among kids, your own slips a lot.

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What’s wrong with you lot? You want to a member of the awkward squad and force more restrictions on everyone but you want to feel included as well? Is that it? You sound very precious.

You randomly called me a pardophile a couple of weeks ago :grinning:

Now you’re being precious over the use of the phrase ‘you lot’ when I wasn’t even replying to you :joy:

Jesus wept

Sorry buddy, didn’t realise I’d exceeded my quota.
Tell me, do any of the children ask why they have to wear masks?