You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

I’m not familiar with the ‘fall in’ term,

If it means what I think then, I’d probably end up producing Wagyu beef and rearing very rare breed pigs, the poor man would turn in his grave, best not to bother

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You’ll sell up so?

Interesting article in the new york times about this during the week.

“But it also means that, given the underlying age skew, vaccinated people in their late 80s have a similar risk of Covid death as never-vaccinated 70-year-olds”

“300 Americans are now dying from Covid-19 every day, at a rough pace of about 100,000 per year, making it the country’s [third leading cause of death.”

“In a pandemic of the unvaccinated, what do you say to or about the 41 percent of Americans who died in January who’d gotten their shots? Or the roughly 60 percent of them that died this summer”

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Jaysus. The game must be up when the nyt are breaking ranks

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Rewild it mate


We probably wouldn’t have had a pandemic if Elon had taken over twitter two years earlier


What are you suggesting here?

The cod vaccine caused it

Have you told Celine

Hopefully her heart will go on


Think twice before posting that nonsense


The vaccine needs to be binned immediately.


I’m sure the politicians, scientists and lads on here who said it was safe will soon review emerging data, carry put proper trials, risk/benefit analyses etc. If they were wrong in any way I’m sure they’ll be anxious to warn people of possible dangers etc. That’s usually how it works

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Whatever about the vaccine/s, any mandates around it just 12 months ago were abhorrent.

I hope we don’t forget about that.

A lot of people wanted to exclude people from normal parts of everyday life just because they didnt want to take a medical procedure that they didnt need.


Plenty of cunts about the place want everyone to forget about that


I think they should still be excluded, mate.

Harsh on the Ukrainians, mate. Last time I checked they were around 70% unvaccinated. They’re going through enough surely?

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I’d make an exception for them obviously, I believe I’ve posted that before.

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Why would you make an exception for them, Are we not all equal when it comes to making a medical decision that should be no ones business but their own?

You’re taking the piss obviously but it wasnt the case 12 months ago when peoples livelihoods were potentially on the line. I listened to a senior manager where I work state that a mandate is needed. Sneer away though by all means.