The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

It’s pretty much exactly who you’d expect really,

It’s @Rocko you’d feel sorry for really


@Bandage has been in there already tbf, top notching Admin’ing.

The 15 minute delay would be just what that thread needs @Rocko

I don’t get involved in the rough stuff any more, I’m a light touch moderator. I used to read lots of posts but now I skip most of them. I don’t want to see any thickly/thinly veiled threats that may adversely affect people’s lives OFFLINE though. A throwaway insult is fine & actually welcomed, but we’re experienced internetters now & we should know when it’s going too far. Pull back from the brink please, folks.


Step back from the brink? When a poster is repeatedly making open accusations of rape, paedophilia etc, and then accompanying these accusations with threats of doxing?
You fellas are facilitating and encouraging this behaviour

You’ve always seen serious allegations that somebody is a paedo as “lighthearted banter”.

Good to know that, eh?

Best Royal Rumble ever for me

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Ah lads - don’t drag the arguing in here.

This thread is for other posters to snigger at all those on full tilt


When @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is complaining about the low morals on show you know it’s getting testy.


Good lord.
Near 200 posts to read. A quick dip suggests to approach with caution

It’s like the Cuban missiles crisis. I thought we were heading towards calamitous internet warfare that could threaten our very e-existence but I think both parties have pulled back from the brink for lunchtime. A ceasefire.

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has long form for this stuff. Time for a banning, methinks.

The decision now rests with admin if they want to set a precedent that threats of reporting posters baselessly for horrific actions will be tolerated.

Sidney is the same poster who resorts to new low after new low but for some reason he is protected on here.

He should never have been let back. He’s a deranged individual who has gone after numerous people outside of this site. Easy enough for him to do as he has no job, no friends, no family so he has nothing to lose.

You couldn’t give a toss about @TheUlteriorMotive or any other poster for that matter. You just want Sid gone cos he ties you up in knots all the time.

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I want him gone as he is a toxic, poisonous individual who repeatedly oversteps the line.

The only person he ties up in knots is himself, he is a complete and utter hypocrite and genuinely nasty and dangerous.

What sort of nutjob contacts other posters employers and threatens people with such things because they show them up as a hypocrite? He is dangerous as he has nothing to lose, his life is utterly pathetic.

A pathetic lonely, racist asshole who is completely and utterly irredeemable.

Look who’s projecting again. :grinning:

They’re busting up the party

It ruins it, well it should.

Who did this, now?

Are you projecting again?

Someone explain to the racist that I wasn’t going around tagging journalists trying to get the site shut down because I got banned.

More false equivalence from the chap. You should work hard on your mental health to improve yourself rather than using it a crutch to explain your sociopathic behaviour.